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去伪存真 去伪存真造句_去伪存真中英文解释和造句



去伪存真qù wěi cún zhēn







研究历史时去伪存真是很重要的。 It is important to sift the true from the false in study history.

研究历史时去伪存真是很重要的。 It is important to sift the true from the false in studying history.

简单的说,失败就是去伪存真。 Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential.

有了知识才能去粗取精、去伪存真; With knowledge can be doing, outside;

从鱼龙混杂到去伪存真,需要一个过程。 Yulonghunza to Quweicunzhen from, requires a process.

同时对运用的资料进行细致认真的辨析,力求去伪存真。 At the time, the used datum are differentiated and analysed carefully, try to eliminate the false and retain the true.

太好了!此话终于有人敢说了!“开展自我批评”去伪存真! That’s great! This sentence finally someone bet! ” developping self-criticism” eliminates the false and retain the true!

心理学中文化研究的兴衰史同时也代表了心理学去伪存真的历史。 Cultural research in psychology has been partly witnessing the course of psychology.

期望在一定程度上达到对注意的分配理论去粗取精、去伪存真的目的。 Our aim is to refine the attention assigned theory to some extent.

金融海啸也仿佛大浪淘沙,去粗取精,去伪存真,反倒沉淀出知识的真味。 Ebb Tide seemed to have the financial tsunami, Qucuqujing, Quweicunzhen, but a knowledge of precipitation Zhen Wei.

世上不存在能够去伪存真的电子过滤器,也没有能够去芜存菁的认知芯片。 There are no electronic filters that separate truth from fiction. No cognitive “V-chip” to sort the gold from the lead.

这里是去伪存真的过程,任何文学形式都不是先天的,文学也是要发展的。 This is Quweicunzhen the process, any form of literature is not innate, is also to the development of literature.

阿米瑞斯公司认为,只要通过一番去伪存真,就会得到能够取代汽油的类异戊二烯。 With a little judicious searching, Amyris thinks it has e up with isoprenoids that have the right characteristics to substitute for petrol.

把传说与信史相印证,把不同史料作比较,取同舍异,去伪存真,力求记述的真实性。 To corroborate the legend with the messenger, a parison of different historical, take the same care differences, Quweicunzhen, and strive to account authenticity.

除了选购涂料时要去伪存真外,要真做到墙面环保还要注意施工辅料的使用,特别是胶和底漆。 In addition to purchase paint to be outside, to really achieve environmental protection should pay attention to the construction of walls biggest use, especially plastic and primer.

重新阅读是对一部分因历史原因被忽视的经典作品的去伪存真、细分乃至重新分类和定位的过程。 Re-reading refers the process that some classical works neglected due to historical causes are eliminated the false and retained the true, analyzed in detail, re-classified and re-oriented.

因此我们对待这一思想的态度上,要学会“去伪存真”,运用其精华思想为我们今天的人类服务。 So we should absorb these thoughts of Mozi, and learn to eliminate the false and retain the true, hence to use the essence to serve our human being today.

革命不是由偶然事件产生的,而是由需要产生的。革命是去伪存真。它是因为不得不发生而发生的。 Revolutions spring not from an accident, but from necessity. A revolution is a return from the fictitious to the real. It is because it must be that it is.

我们致力于教导学生学会用思辨性地思维方式,在学术、社会或精神等领域,去伪存真,追求真理。 We endeavor to equip students with the skills needed to think critically and discern truth from error, academically, socially, and spiritually.

在以上分析的基础上,通过对财务报表信息进行去伪存真以消除失真信息,作为进行价值评估的基础。 Grounded on financial information after making adjustment for original financial statement, it evaluates the value of Beiqi Foton.

然而,在他们去伪存真的热情之中,这些批评者也许忽略了商业教育与哲学或电子工程这类学科之间存在的关键差别。 However, in their enthusiasm to eviscerate, the critics may be overlooking some vital differences between a business education and one in, for example, philosophy or electrical engineering.

数据整理,是一个对不规范数据进行筛选,“去伪存真、去粗取精”的过程。而数据的组织与处理,则是数据转换过程的关键。 Data processing is a process of filtration of nonstandard data and a process of “eliminating the false and retaining the true discarding the dross and selecting the essential”.

当我们从这些科学幻想的作品中去伪存真,把精准的预言从错误的推断中过滤出来的时候,就有必要用到下面三个测试去判断了。 When trying to sift science fiction’s accurate predictions from its erroneous ones, it is worth applying the following three tests.

如何把握成功学的“合理内核”,去粗取精、去伪存真,实现“两课”教学的创新和发展,应是高校思想政治工作研究的重要课题。 How should we master the “rational and positive factors” in success science and promote the teaching of “Two Subjects” is a very important issue which we should research.

同时阴阳与气血关系密切,应根据病人的症状,明察寒热、虚实的真假,去伪存真,辨别阴阳,切不可阴阳颠倒,从而导致失治误治。 Because of the close relation-ship between Yin-Yang and Qi and blood, the differentiation of Yin and Yang, cold and heat, deficiency and excess should be made according to the patients symptoms.

其实,新政策出台之前,总是有种种预兆的,只要你对各种信息作一番去伪存真的分析,就不难预测接下来会发生什么事情,抢先一步做好安排。 In fact, new policies, always have a variety of well, if you make a false information to the analysis, it is easy to predict what would happen next, the preemptive step to make proper arrangements.

掌握这种科学的理论方法,对相关事件进行细致辨析推理,实现去伪存真、透过现象看本质,对提高我们分析问题和解决问题能力,进一步做好管理工作,有着积极意义。 Command of this scientific theory and discrimination of the cause and effect can help us to improve the ability to analyse and solve problems and to promote the management work.




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