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用sometimes造句 厚积薄发造句_厚积薄发中英文解释和造句



厚积薄发hòu jī bó fā






事实上,巴西的崛起是厚积薄发,而非一蹴而就的。 In fact, Brazil’s emergence has been steady, not sudden.

只有对西方哲学做到厚积薄发,才能写出这样的好论文。 Only when well grounded in Western philosophy can one write such an excellent thesis.

去年开始,宝山市场厚积薄发,各大板块新盘接连上市。 last year, Baoshan market knowledge, the new site has listed major plate.

并且注重和阅读相结合,从阅读中汲取营养,厚积薄发; And pays great attention with reading to unify, derives the nutrition from reading, the thick product sends thinly;

与中国体育用品行业一路风雨同行,10余年积累厚积薄发。 Grow with China sports product industry and after more than 10 years, we stand out.

当我们做好准备工作后,厚积薄发主动出击的时刻也就到来了。 When we are ready to work, well-grounded moments of the initiative is ing.

普陀、闸北、宝山厚积薄发,逐渐成为二手房自住的热点区域。 Putuo and Zhabei, Baoshan knowledge, the Housing home gradually bee secondary hot region.

伊派厚积薄发,锐意进取,不断突破超越,与您一起成就美好未来! Butterfly Ceramic, well-prepared and aggressive, is making breakthroughs to build a good future together with you.

回首一年,中国经济改革迈出的步伐,从未像这样坚定果断、厚积薄发。 Turn one’s head a year, chinese economy reforms the pace that steps, never resemble so sturdy and decisive, thick accumulate thin hair.

作为厚积薄发型的房地产市场,人们更能领略到楼市进喷前的燥动与心跳! As the well-prepared real estate market, more people would realize the blundering and heartbeat before the blowout of the real estate market!

当前,淮南已经站在新的历史起点上,进入厚积薄发、加速崛起的新阶段。 Currently, standing at a new historical start, Huainan City enters a new stage growing up quickly.

古有“厚积薄发”,今有“我的心在等待,永远在等待,等待下一个精彩。” In ancient times, “profound knowledge”, today there is “My heart is waiting, always waiting, waiting for the next exciting.

多伦路上走一走,你依稀还能呼吸到这里厚积薄发的中国近现代文化的沁人气息; Walking on Duolun Road, you seem to breathe the refreshing breath of the modern culture of China.

郭谦厚积薄发,继往开来,独辟蹊径有着自己现代感的独创风格,树成一代画风。 Guo Qianhou accumulates sends thinly, inherits, develops one’s own style has oneself modern feeling creative style, the tree bees generation of picture wind.

作者在此画中“简笔大气而又一笔不茍”好像写文章的“言简意赅”一样地厚积薄发。 The author of this painting at “Jane atmosphere and a careful pen” if the article was “concise” as to the accumulation of very many of the places from an early age manifested.

以厚积薄发的谦虚精神,自我否定的上进心。为迈入名牌行列,正耐心的日积月累工作。 In order to step into the line of the international famous brand, we are now not only accumulating day by day and month by month patiently but also denying ourselves to seek advancement.

中国数字报产业厚积薄发,发展迅速,国内39家媒体集团中,有33家推出数字报纸; cds n newspaper industry openings 39 ahead in the domestic media group, has launched the digital newspaper 33;

2004年2月26日上午,聚焦丽都商圈,京“丽都商圈厚积薄发”的主题进行探讨。 February 26, 2004 morning, on the Lido looks, Beijing “Lido Have knowledge” themes explored.

高新地产之所以能走出西安,做吃螃蟹的西北地产企业,这也是该公司多年积累的厚积薄发。 Xian has been able to get out of high real estate, real estate firms do eat crabs in the Northwest, this is the pany for many years of accumulated knowledge.

黄冈师范学院历经百年变迁,厚积薄发,传承创新,走上了一条独具特色、充满希望的转型发展之路。 Huanggang Normal College with its long history and rich tradition takes on a new road of changing its developing model.

厚积薄发,遇到整个市道比较好的时期,基金发行的规模和速度就显示出了强大的甚至意想不到的效果。 Boot, the market as a whole experienced a better time, the Fund issued by the size and speed on a strong showing or even an unexpected effect.

我国的银行业在面临机遇与挑战的同时,也使尽招数,厚积薄发,都在为迎接强大的外资银的进入而未雨绸缪。 Chinese banking also try its best to prepare to encounter the mighty foreign banks” entering to China.”

樊树志先生长期致力于明清史的研究,《晚明史》分是其厚积薄发之作,宏观实证,抉隐探微,精彩卓荤之处良多。 Mr. Fan Shuzhi has worked at the history of the Ming and Qjng dynasties for a long time.

在经历了“两华分家”之后,华润的做法显然是厚积薄发,其所倡导的服务主题因华润在业界的地位而被人们反复咀嚼。 After the “separation of the two China”, China Resources is obviously knowledge, the theme for its advocacy services in the industry status CRC been repeatedly chew.

本文对该书的优点和不足,作了实事求是的分析,指出:该书是一部学术视野开阔,具有深厚理论功底,厚积薄发的力作。 The paper makes a seeking-truth-from-fact analysis of the book’s strong points and weak points, and points that the book is a magnanimous forceful works with broad academic vision.

珠江新城的建立,是广州在厚积薄发后迎来的新一轮历史性飞跃,在不久的将来,它将成为广州新的国际金融、商贸中心。 Pearl River New Town is a milestone for Guangzhou to move on to bee an international city, soon it will bee the new financial and mercial center in Guangzhou.

十年积淀,厚积薄发,质检特色鲜明、行业积淀深厚、管理经验丰富的培训特色,在质检领域的援外培训中得到了充分体现。 Ten years of experience, distinctive characteristics of quality inspection, experienced management are all fully embodied in the foreign-aid training in quality inspection field.

天道酬勤,厚积薄发。重义守信给公司创造了显著的经济效益和社会信誉,促进了企业在更高的新起点上,面向未来开拓进取。 Heavy righteousness code of honor brings the group pany big economical benefits and social credit, which promotes the pany to stand at a new higher start point to forge ahead facing the future.

经过了近半个月的激烈角逐,一些企业已经崭露头角,处于遥遥领先的地位,有些企业也正以厚积薄发之势成为最具潜质的“后起之秀”。 After nearly a half-month keen, some have begun to shine, is in the position of the others, some panies are taking the openings of the most outstanding one promising “.”

上世纪60、70年代是摇滚开花结果的繁荣时代,后来慢慢走向表面的一种衰败,注意是表面上的,也许想缓口气,厚积薄发,精彩的还在后面! In the 60 and 70’s, rock music were flourishing. Then it went down superficially. Mayve it want to have a break and wait to boom again . It wanna save the best for the last.




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