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  Blogging is he interest or hobby that I really enjoy and have been doing it very passionately for the last 2-3 years. Blog is basically the short form of "weblog" and it lets the blogger write on topic s/he likes. It is very similar to a website and the blog posts I write is open for anyone to read using internet. The blogging I am doing is not collaborated with anyone else and I am alone maintaining and updating it.

  The blog I am maintaining has lots of importance both for me and for the intended readers. For me, the blog helps me improving my writing skill as it requires lots of content writing, helps me exploring of relevant topics that improves my knowledge and to upload the images I take with my camera. Sometimes I write on how-to and tutorials which are helpful for people looking for it. Sometimes I write on books I read, movies I watch or about new things I learn and that helps me observing those in a different perspective. People can comment on the articles I add and thus I have got many others in my blog who shares similar interest that I have. Thus the importance of my blog immense to me and I maintain my blog with utmost passion and fervor.

  For writing blog posts I need to explore different topics and thus this habit helps me increase my knowledge on different topics.

  Tips for answering this cue card topic:

  For this cue card try to talk about a hobby that you have and which is usually interesting. First say the hobby you have, and then give a brief description of this hobby. If this is an uncommon hobby, give little background of this hobby and then say what it involves. For the second question you can either say that you have this hobby from a very long time (from your childhood) or you can say you have recently adopted this hobby. Some hobbies are related to childhood and some hobbies form when people get adults. Mention when you adopted this hobby and give a very brief description how you started it. If this is a hobby that you solely do alone, mention that you do it alone and sometimes you share it with others if they are interested. But if this hobby involves other persons, mention the persons who are involved in it and how they participated on it.


  The final question expects you to be able to describe the importance of the hobby you are talking about. Some of the common importance of a particular hobby can be defined as follows:

  1. I enjoy doing it and this is something I cherish.

  2. This is an educative hobby and because of this hobby I have learned many things that were quite impossible to learn in other ways.

  3. I value this hobby and it is something that I enjoy from my heart.

  4. The time I spent on this hobby is worthy of it.

  5. I have been doing it for a long time and a passion for it has grown inside me.

  6. This hobby reminds me my childhood and I particularly enjoy that.

  7. I can share this hobby with others and this is a good way enhancing relationship and friendship.

  8. I learned it from my father and that’s something I really love.

  9. I thing the time I spend on it is better than playing video games.

  10. I love doing it and that’s the most important to me.

  Some of the interesting hobbies you can talk about:

  1. Blogging.

  2. Coin collecting.

  3. Painting.

  4. Electronics.

  5. Origami

  6. Embroidery

  7. Knitting

  8. Sculpting

  9. Sudoku

  10. Wood carving

  11. Fishing

  12. Kiteflying

  13. Mountain biking

  14. Photography

  15. Art collecting

  16. Judo

  17. Programming

  18. Fishkeeping

  19. Reading

  20. Traveling etc.

  Whatever hobby you prefer to talk about, give an interesting description of this hobby and your involvement in to make it a good speaking sample.

  Your ability to talk about this cue card would enable to talk about the following cue card topics as well:

  1. Describe something you enjoy doing.

  2. Describe how you spend your leisure time.

  3. Talk about a hobby that someone in your family has.

  4. Describe a hobby that you think is interesting.

1.《 雅思口语Part2参考答案之特别喜欢的爱好》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《 雅思口语Part2参考答案之特别喜欢的爱好》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。






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