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挥着翅膀的女孩歌词 挥着翅膀的女孩的英文歌词




  挥着翅膀的女孩(中文版)  当我还是一个懵懂的女孩  遇到爱不懂爱  从过去到现在直到他也离开  留我在云海徘徊明白没人能取代  他曾给我的信赖  see me fly,i"m proud to fly up high  不能一直依赖别人给我拥戴  believe me i can fly,  i"m singing in the sky  就算风雨覆盖我也不怕重来  我已不是那个懵懂的女孩  遇到爱用力爱仍信真爱  风雨来不避开谦虚把头低下来  像沙鸥来去天地只为寻一个奇迹  see me fly ,i"m proud to fly up high  生命已经打开我要那种精彩  believe me i can fly,  i"m singing in the sky  你曾经对我说做勇敢的女孩  {间奏}  我盼有一天能和你相见  骄傲地对着天空说是借着你的风  let me fly,i"m proud to fly up high  生命已经打开我要那种精彩  believe me i can fly,  i"m singing in the sky  你曾经对我说做勇敢的女孩  我不会独单因为你都在  挥着翅膀的女孩(英文版)  love in your eyes  sitting silent by my side  going on holding hand  walking through the nights  hold me up hold me tight  lift me up to touch the sky  teaching me to love with heart  helping me open my mind  i can fly  i"m proud that i can fly  to give the best of mine  till the end of the time  believe me i can fly  i"m proud that i can fly  to give the best of mine  the heaven in the sky  stars in the sky  wishing once upon a time  give me love make me ile  till the end of life  hold me up hold me tight  lift me up to touch the sky  teaching me to love with heart  helping me open my mind  i can fly  i"m proud that i can fly  to give the best of mine  till the end of the time  believe me i can fly  i"m proud that i can fly  to give the best of mine  the heaven in the sky  can"t you believe that you light up my way  no matter how that ease my path  i"ll never lose my faith  see me fly  i"m proud to fly up high  show you the best of mine  till the end of the time  believe me i can fly  i"m singing in the sky  show you the best of mine  the heaven in the sky  nothing can stop me  spread my wings so wide

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