1. 爱;爱慕
If you love someone, you feel romantically or sexually attracted to them, and they are very important to you.
e.g. Oh, Amy, I love you...
e.g. We love each other. We want to spend our lives together.
2. 爱情;爱意
Love is a very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically or sexually attracted to.
e.g. Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been through together.
e.g. ...a old fashioned love story.
3. 疼爱;关爱
You say that you love someone when their happiness is very important to you, so that you behave in a kind and caring way towards them.
e.g. You'll never love anyone the way you love your baby.
4. 疼爱;关爱
Love is the feeling that a person's happiness is very important to you, and the way you show this feeling in your behaviour towards them.
e.g. My love for all my children is unconditional...
e.g. She's got a great capacity for love.
1. sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people
e.g. his lovemaking disgusted her
he hadn't had any love in months
he has a very complicated love life
Synonym: sexual lovelovemakingmaking lovelove life
2. any object of warm affection or devotion
e.g. the theater was her first love
he has a passion for cock fighting
Synonym: passion
3. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction
e.g. their love left them indifferent to their surroundings
she was his first love
Synonym: sexual loveerotic love
4. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection
e.g. his love for his work
children need a lot of love
5. a beloved person
used as terms of endearment
Synonym: beloveddeardearesthoney
6. a score of zero in tennis or squash
e.g. it was 40 love
英语单词love的单语例句1. Money can't buy you love, but it can let you rent a girlfriend to take home for Chinese New Year.
2. Humans by and large love sport and football is the world game, but why do Chinese care about it so much?
3. Mars fell in love with the erhu by chance when he visited Shanghai in 1992.
4. But Lin says her act is " brave ", done out of her deep love for her father.
5. By Mr Right, she means a perfect combination of love and wealth.
6. The tombstone is still visible today and is considered by tourists as a symbol of love.
7. She said she will send her love by telephone to her boyfriend in Beijing.
8. By the time they understand what maternal love is it's too late - because she is already dead.
9. And by the way I love your Bird's Nest and the Water Cube!
10. " They say he's got love problems, " Cinnamon Rolls cafeteria employee Ana Elena Ruiz said.
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