railway station; railway terminal; train station
After the second explosion, all of London's main train and subway stations were shut down
He had a taxi waiting to take him to the train
Troops have seized the airport and railroad terminals
Arriving at the railway station, I put local knowledge to the test and ask a taxi driver.
火车站的网络释义[铁路] The Railway Station
2009年实用英语:达人分享:凭100个英文单词走... ... 叫早 morning call 火车站 railway station 晚上 night ...
The Train Station
火车站(The Train Station)(2008-02-01) 中秋夜(The August Moon)—共两篇(2008-02-01)
距离最近火车站(Termini):200米 距离最近机场(FCO):35 公里
火车站的'双语例句1. 实际上,从火车站方向朝这边走过来的,除了一位孤零零的先生外,就再也没有别人了。
Indeed, from the direction of the railway station no one was coming save a single gentleman.
2. 我们还要到福州住院,就来到新火车站,买了3张去福州的票,准备去福州住院治疗。
We would also like to Fuzhou hospitalized, one arrives at the new railway station, bought three tickets to Fuzhou, ready to go to Fuzhou in hospital.
3. 程开训:其实兆讯传媒我们是紧紧以铁路为纽带,以火车站为平台。
The start of training: In fact, we trillion - the media is tightly to the railway as a link to the train station platform.
4. 货运码头火车站是中国的中心,收集和交流信息发送货物。
The freight terminal at a Chinese railway station is the centre for collecting and dispatching goods and for exchange of information.
5. 产品主要适用于消防管道、供水、供热、供气、排水管道、地铁、空港、海港、桥梁、隧道、火车站等的管路系统等。
The major products applicable to the pipeline fire, water, heat, gas, sewer, subway, airports, seaports, bridges, tunnels, railway stations, and so the pipeline system.
6. 近日,阜阳市的出租车司机许先生开车到市火车站时,不小心将一骑电动车的女士撞倒,许先生当即将其送到附近的铁二处医院治疗。
Xu to be sent to the vicinity of its iron two hospitals for treatment.
7. 森岛集团是一家集高科技公司、房地产公司、进出口公司和实业公司为一体的技、工贸相结合的企业集团,集团下辖多家分公司、子公司、控股公司和参股公司:广东林岛实业有限公司、广东森岛置业有限公司、广东森岛兰贝斯软件工程有限公司、海南森岛工贸有限公司、广州森岛塑料型材有限公司、广州森岛装饰材料有限公司、广东花都市火车站商业广场等。
Sendao Group is such a corporation that consists of high technology company. Import and export trading company and industrial enterprise, son companies. with in the group, there are several branch companies and share companies. They are Guangdong Sendao Enterprise Co., Ltd. Guangdong Sendao Estate Co., Hainan SenDao industrial Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Sendao Plastic and Trading Co., Ltd Guangzhou Sendon Plastic Material Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Sendao Decoration Material Co., Ltd. Guangdong Huadu Rallway Station Commercial Square, etc.
8. 座落于市中心不夜城商业中心,拥有得天独厚的地理位置,上海火车站,四通八达的地铁站,南北高架近在咫尺。
It is strategically located in the Everbright Business Center, close to the Shanghai Railway Station, subway and North-south overpass highway.
9. 来自安徽的纪师傅和妻子一同在火车站广场候车,他告诉记者,夫妻俩在佛山一家工地做建筑工。8月份,因拟开电子厂的台湾老板出现经济困境,拿不出足够的钱支付承包商的费用,工地经常停工。10月份,台湾老板说已经没有钱给承包商,工地全面停工,近千工人无事可做陆续离开,他是最后一批离开工地的工人。
October, Taiwan`s boss said there is no money to the contractor, site full suspension, nearly a thousand workers have nothing left, he was the last batch of workers to leave the site.
10. 新系统可能产生的影响要对火车站售票工作人员进行此系统软件的使用,使其逐步适应计算机化的要求。
The new system may impact on the train Station ticket sales staff use the system software to enable it to gradually adapt to the requirements of computerization.
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