击掌[jī zhǎng]
例:老师弹曲子时, 孩子们有节奏地击掌打拍子。
The children clapped out a regular time while the teacher played the tune.
击掌的网络解释1. give me five:(学生同桌之间饰演服务员与顾客排练买东西场景,老师提供可以用到的句型让学生参考,需要运用到的物品单词可以是以前学过的从而对复习旧知识. 学生在表演前可相互击掌(give me five)表示加油鼓励,表演后可与老师击掌表示对自己表演的激励与肯定,从而增强学生学习的自信心)
2. Little high-fives:We're gonna be great.|我们会处得很好 | Little high-fives.|击掌 | Well, if you're going to cry...|既然你都哭了
3. Slap it:- Let's rock, let's rock today. - That's good.|- 让我们今天就摇滚 - 就这样 | Slap it.|击掌 | Shoot it.|射击
击掌的双语例句1. 他希望与上帝之间能有条约关系,藉著相互击掌而庄严立定。
He longed to be in a covenant relationship with God that would be solemnized by the striking of hands together.
2. 其实,幸福就是这么简单:当你饥肠辘辘的.时候,有一碗牛肉面;当你想喝白开水的时候有一杯糖开水;当你不要那么苛求自己得到的必须多一些、再多一些、更多一些的时候;当你读到一本好书并为之击掌大呼过瘾的时候,当你忙里偷闲去做一件自己肖想已久的事情的时候
In fact, happiness is as simple as that: When you hungry, there is a bowl of beef noodles; When you drink a glass of water when there is sugar water; then when you do not ask themselves the need to be more, more, more Time; when you read a good book and applauded to show their claims that the fun of it, Chill out when you do something like Xiao their long-standing matter of time......
3. 我看见棕榈树的叶子,正合着那听不见的音乐节奏在拍手击掌,而明月和那湖泊的闪烁的宁静在交换眼波。
I saw the palm leaves clapping their hands to the beat of inaudible music, and the moon exchanged glances with the glistening silence of the lake.
4. 要与人击掌、要为欠债的作保。
26 Do not be one who strikes hands in pledge
5. 父亲对轩子说:「来个击掌游戏吧!
The father said to his little son, give me five!
6. 006 耶和华,你离弃了你百姓雅各家,是因他们充满了东方的风俗,作观兆的,像非利士人一样,并与外邦人击掌。
Therefore you have forsaken your people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.
7. 耶和华、你离弃了你百姓雅各家、是因他们充满了东方的风俗、作观兆的、像非利士人一样、并与外邦人击掌。
They are full of superstitions from the East; they practice divination like the Philistines and clasp hands with pagans.
8. 弗莱明伸出手,打手棒打在上面,发出很响的啪啪声:一、二、三、四、五、六。
The pandybat came down on it with a loud smack ing 击掌劈啪地响 sound: one, two, three, four, five, six.
9. 当他在板凳上的时候,每逢暂停他总是第一个去与下场的球员击掌。
When he's on the bench, he is often the first one dapping the players coming off the court when a timeout is called.
10. 关于小雁---领导,我欠你的太多了,你我击掌为誓!
About my honey---leader, i owe you too much i swear i will pay for it finish the exam
11. 如果你有同样的感觉,与你击掌欢呼!
If you have the same feeling, High-5 to you!
12. 你要我和你击掌庆贺?
You're asking me for a high five?
13. 节奏是形成音乐的基础,击掌是保持跳动的最简单的方式之一。
Rhythm is essential to making music, and clapping is one of the simplest means of keeping a beat.
14. 你要我和你击掌庆贺?
You're as king me for a high five?
15. 但他的微笑和那个击掌让我一直激动了很久。
But he gave me a big smile and high five which was awesome!
16. 不,不是,那是击掌控制很明显
No, no, that's the Clapper, which, obviously...
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