两个多月前,互联网大佬、亚马逊首席执行官杰夫⋅贝索斯 (Jeff Bezos)和情妇——前电视女主播劳伦⋅桑切斯(Lauren Sanchez)的私密聊天内容被美国八卦报纸登了出来,引来吃瓜群众围观。
这位大佬还委托了安全专家德贝克(Gavin de Becker),调查这家报纸是如何得到他与桑切斯的私密短信的。

桑切斯和贝索斯合影 (图 Via Getty Images)

其实,之前就有外媒报道过,是桑切斯的亲哥哥Michael Sanchez 把贝索斯与妹妹的私密聊天内容交给了 。

▲据知情人士,贝索斯情人的哥哥Michael Sanchez将他们的露骨短信泄露给了 (Via The Beast)
然而,他出来否认 了:

▲桑切斯的哥哥称他与贝索斯私密短信泄露无关 (Via businessinsider.sg)
但是,据The Wall Street Journal 最新的报道显示,就是这位亲哥哥干的没跑了:

▲是怎么拿到贝索斯的短信的:给了桑切斯的哥哥20万美元 (Via The Wall Street Journal)
据知情人透露,Michael Sanchez把首富的秘密卖给了美国传媒公司(AMI, 母公司)

从左至右:美国传媒公司 CEO David Pecker, Michael Sanchez, Jeff Bezos (图 GETTY IMAGES, BFA)
也就是说,桑切斯的哥哥以20万美元 的价格把自己妹妹和情人贝索斯的私密短信卖给了八卦报纸。
然后,就用了足足11页 刊登了贝索斯和桑切斯在一起的消息,以及二人约会的照片和露骨短信 。
Michael Sanchez, a talent agent and Lauren S�nchez’s brother, wasa longtime source for the Enquirer , the Journal reported Monday. He’d started talking to the tabloidlast fall about his sister’s relationship with Bezos, the paper said, citing unnamed sources.
据The Wall Street Journal周一报道,桑切斯的哥哥Michael Sanchez是个影视圈经纪人,长期为提供消息 。据未具名消息人士,去年秋天 ,他就开始和该报讨论他妹妹和贝索斯的关系。
The Enquirer had already been trailing and photographing Bezos and Sanchez at the time of those conversations. David Pecker, American Media Inc.’s CEO, reportedly approved the payment to Sanchez so the tabloid could acquire the sexually charged text messages that the couple had sent to each other.
在双方谈判期间,开始跟踪贝索斯和桑切斯,拍下了一些照片。据报道,美国传媒公司的CEO David Pecker批准该报向Michael Sanchez付钱,购买这对情人之间的露骨短信。
Via HuffPost
Bezos and his wife of 25 years, Mackenzie Bezos, announced on Jan. 9 that they were getting divorced. According to the Journal, the announcement came 48 hours after the Enquirer approached the billionaire entrepreneur for comment for their story.
1月9日,贝索斯与自己结婚25年的妻子Mackenzie Bezos宣布他们已经离婚。据The Wall Street Journal报道,离婚消息发出的48小时之前,曾找到这位亿万富翁,要他就自己的婚外情给个说法。
Via HuffPost
Bezos claimed in a blog post last month that Pecker was furious about the probe and had attempted to blackmail him. The American Media Inc. chairman threatened to publish more of his text messages and images including a “dick pic,” Bezos alleged.
Via Huffpost
连美国总统特朗普 也被牵扯进来了,不过,后来特朗普出来辟谣说这事儿和他没关系 ,也有媒体爆出是桑切斯的亲哥哥泄露了信息 。
现在看来,所有的矛头都指向了这位亲哥。目前,美国传媒公司,亚马逊,贝索斯和情人都还没有给出任何评论 。但这位亲哥站出来了,他向NBC News 发了一篇声明。
▲据报道,以20万美元向贝索斯情人的哥哥购买了私密短信 (Via NBC News)
“The Wall Street Journal根据‘匿名’信源对于谣言的报道让人失望 ,”Michael Sanchez告诉NBC News
他在声明里称The Wall Street Journal关于他的报道是一些老谣言 ,自己从来没有接触到过那些有敏感部位的自拍。这些自拍是对Dylan Howard(的编辑)的犯罪指控的核心,他相信Howard曾经试图以此厚颜无耻地勒索贝索斯:
"I didn't dignify the rumors last month and I'm not going to dignify them now," he continued, "but two key facts remain the same: 1) Everything I've done since the day I met Bezos protected his extramarital affair from Gavin de Becker, and 2) I never had access to the penis selfies which are the heart of criminal allegations against Dylan Howard, a desperate man I sincerely believe attempted to brazenly blackmail Jeff Bezos."
Via NBC News
文:The Wall Street Journal, Huffpost, NBC News
图:The Wall Street Journal, Huffpost, NBC News,网络
1.《劳伦桑切斯 新瓜上线:贝索斯和情人桑切斯的露骨短信,竟是他卖出去的?》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。
2.《劳伦桑切斯 新瓜上线:贝索斯和情人桑切斯的露骨短信,竟是他卖出去的?》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。