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【longyu】Jemo新作 | 珑御婚纱店设计,打造每个少女心中婚纱梦



Longyu, Hong Kong is a concept store for future brides. From clothing selection to other auxiliary products and services, these are essential for a perfect wedding. A wedding is a vow about a lifetime of happiness. A perfect wedding dress is a vow for every bride. To show the romance and aesthetics of wedding dress to the extreme.


Arc layout, let the future bride play the leading role. The soft and standard lines are extended, decorated with a light belt full of layering feeling, which is warm and sexy for the interior. Deepen customers' impression of the brand. Let this wedding shop become the best hiding place for every girl's wedding dream. The designer creates a space design that balances the girl's heart and mature women.


The designer cleverly uses the flowing curve when the wedding dress floats with the wind, just like a couple of new people about to enter the marriage hall, soft and beautiful. The layered wedding dress is applied to the indoor structure, combined with the change of the space outline and material, to create a smooth and smooth visual feeling. According to different functional areas, different lighting strategies are adopted to pursue the lighting effect like an art gallery.


The interior of the whole space is simple and bright, and geometric elements are dotted in the white space to increase the artistic sense of the store. The wedding dress shop is decorated with warm color system. The overall style is fashionable and atmospheric, with more trend, modern flavor and stability. It adds an artistic color to the room and brings a visual impression.


The overall space design of the shop is mainly divided into wedding dress display area, trial assembly area, office area and multi-functional area. However, it is integrated visually, with no redundant decoration and layout. It is mainly simple. This clean and high-level design is very suitable for the background wall of photo taking.


Designers use clever dynamic design to show the different beauty of the wedding shop, and display the dream wedding dress in a simple way, giving the wedding dress a unique meaning of sanctity, fantasy and sanctity. The simple and beautiful space atmosphere tells the theme of the wedding dress shop, so that all traces are hidden deliberately, and the experience of people is maximized, so that the wedding dress shop has more ways to open and more ways to express.









项目设计公司:Jemo Design(上海京美装饰)

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2.《【longyu】Jemo新作 | 珑御婚纱店设计,打造每个少女心中婚纱梦》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。






longyu相关介绍,欢迎交流,欢迎 微博:龙宇zsy Qq: 756238066(加好友密码:宝塔镇河耀市) 工具:PS wacom图版 请进入针缝论坛下载针缝应用程序,在公众号和微博上查看更多内容!...



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