民国二十二年(1933年)三月,国民政府正式”费两改圆“,国民党政府财政部颁布了《废两改元令》和《银本位铸造条例》,决定结束各省分铸银元的局面,将银币的铸造权收归于设在上海的中央造币厂,并决定先从上海实施废两改元,规定从当年4月6日起,所有公私款项的收付,须一律改用银币,不得再用银两交易。同年,一种新式的银币——“船洋”开始在上海中央造币厂铸造。且将设计新颖,正面铸孙中山头像,背面双帆放洋图的“船洋”定为正式国币。 Twenty-two years of the republic of China (1933) in March, the national government officially "fee two circle", the KMT government ministry of finance issued "two gaiyuan makes waste" and "regulations on the silver standard casting, decided to end the state of provinces casting silver, silver casting weight close to central mint, based in Shanghai and decided to implement waste from Shanghai two gaiyuan, regulation since that year on April 6, all public and private funds receipts and payment, must all use silver COINS, shall not use silver trading.In the same year, a new type of silver coin, "shiyang", began to be minted at the Shanghai central mint.And will design novel, front cast sun yat-sen head, back double sail chart "ship ocean" as the official currency.

不同的历史时期都会留下不同的历史印迹。产自于民国二十三年的孙中山双帆币,成为当时那个特定历史时期的主要币种之一。让人值得惊奇的是,该币种经历了长达百年之久的磨损,依然被民间藏家们所珍藏。该钱体表面呈现出淡淡的银色光泽,通过光线的对照及折射,仍渗透出该币银质斑驳苍古的“包浆”,是自然形成的“时间的轨迹”之再现。 This silver dollar was made by the Shanghai central mint in 1984.The front is engraved with the profile of Dr. Sun yat-sen, the top engraved with "the twenty-third year of the republic of China", the back engraved with keen-masted sailboat sailing forward in the wind and waves, the right and left of the "one yuan" currency.
In the design of currency, double sail coin is condensed with the wisdom of thousands of craft technicians and unique perspective of aesthetics, product phase is very good, overall modeling harmony, design exquisite, coupled with double sail is very rare, relatively rare in the market, so also attracted thousands of collectors competing to collect, show its value status.
Different historical periods leave different historical footprints.Sun yat-sen's double-sail coin, produced in the 23rd year of the republic of China, became one of the major currencies in that particular historical period.What is surprising is that the currency has been worn and worn for over a hundred years and is still treasured by folk collectors.The surface of the coin shows a light silver luster, through the contrast and refraction of light, still permeates the silver patina, which is a reappearance of the naturally formed track of time.

  孙中山先生是伟大的民族英雄,中国民主革命的伟大先驱。他发起和领导的辛亥革命,彻底推翻了在中国持续2000多年的封建王朝统治。为了让世人铭记孙中山先生的丰功伟绩,在民国时期,铸造发行了镌有孙中山先生头像各种版式的银币。中华民国二十三年孙中山帆船币,民国时期珍稀银币,由上海中央造币厂于民国二十三年铸造发行。该银币是国民政府放弃金本位币制、确定银本位币制,公布"铸造条例草案"前夕发行的第一种"船洋"银币,曾被财政部定为国币银币,在钱币历史有着重要的地位,且民国二十三年的孙中山双帆币,成为当时那个特定历史时期的主要币种之一。Dr. Sun yat-sen was a great national hero and a great forerunner of China's democratic revolution.He initiated and led the revolution of 1911, which completely overthrew the feudal dynastic rule that lasted for more than 2,000 years in China.In order to let the world remember the great achievements of Dr. Sun yat-sen, in the republic of China, COINS engraved with the head of Dr. Sun yat-sen in various formats were minted and issued.Sun yat-sen sailing coin, a rare silver coin during the republic of China, was minted and issued by Shanghai central mint in the year of the republic of China.The silver is the national government to abandon the gold standard monetary, determine the silver coinage, announced the "casting draft regulations" issued on the eve of the first "ship the silver COINS," has been the ministry of finance as a silver coin, the coin history has an important position, and 23 years of the republic of China sun yat-sen double sails COINS, became one of the major currencies of the specific historical period.

  民国帆船币是中国近代机制币中的十大名誉品之一,它之所以名气大是由于他的历史性和珍稀性决定的。随着收藏投资热的不断升温,银元在钱币市场中异常火爆,银元今后极大可能成为收藏投资领域中的一匹"黑马",其价格一路上扬。尤其是中华民国二十三年双帆壹圆银元,且随着时间的推移,其变得越来越珍贵。因其是贵金属所铸,制作数量比铜元、纸币少得多,加上民国时期社会动荡,存世所剩很少,比现发行的邮票、纪念币数量少得多。2018年一枚中华民国二十三年孙中山帆船壹圆银币竟拍出天价247.5万港币,折合人民币近2000万左右,开辟了银元拍卖历史的最高天价。2016年6月的拍卖上,中华民国二十三年孙中山帆船银币以106万元成交,种种迹象表明,投资艺术品是最具有智慧的选择,因而也最适合民间藏友们进行珍藏和投资。 The sailing coin of the republic of China is one of the top ten reputation items in the mechanism coin of modern China.With the continuous heating up of collecting investment fever, silver dollar is extremely hot in the coin market. Silver dollar is likely to become a "dark horse" in the field of collecting investment in the future, and its price rises all the way.In particular, in the 23 years of the republic of China, double sails one yuan silver dollar, and with the passage of time, it becomes more and more precious.Because it is made of precious metal, the production quantity is much less than copper dollar, paper money, plus the social unrest in the republic of China period, there is little left in the world, much less than the number of stamps and commemorative COINS issued now.In 2012, a silver dollar of sun yat-sen's sailboat sold for 3.475 million Hong Kong dollars in the 23rd year of the republic of China, equivalent to more than 3 million RMB, which set the highest price in the history of silver dollar auction.On the auction in June 2013, sun yat-sen's sailboat silver coin sold for 2.46 million yuan in the 23rd year of the republic of China. All kinds of signs show that investing in art is the most intelligent choice, and therefore it is the most suitable for folk collectors to collect and invest。



1.《民国二十三年孙中山帆船壹圆 中华民国二十三年帆船币银元 之 精品收藏价值一路上涨 。》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《民国二十三年孙中山帆船壹圆 中华民国二十三年帆船币银元 之 精品收藏价值一路上涨 。》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
