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【大卫路易斯】直播吧兼职英语测试 大卫路易斯

Chelsea ' s David Luiz says being top of the table only matters on the final day

David Luiz says being top of the premier league only matters if Chelsea finish there at the end of the season。

Antonio conte ' s side beat middle sbrough 1-0at the riverside on Sunday-their sixth straight league win-to move above Liverpool as

However,the Brazilian is adamant that nothing has been decided yet and says the blues cannot afford to drop their intensity if they are to regain to

it ' s important to finish at the top of the league。of course we are happy,but it ' s too early to speak about that,' Luiz told

it ' s important in the last game to finish at the top of the league . that ' s our goal。'

they have not conceded a premier league goal sincemesut ozil put arsenal 3-0 up at the Emirates on sep tember 24-a run of 590 minutes-and TTS

we are happy . we are doing an amazing job,but we need to keep our feet on the floor with humility because every game is a tough game,' hut

it ' s a tough game when you play here[Middlesbrough],every one knows,so we are happy be cause we did a great job,especiall

it ' s a good three points and the first time this season we are top of the league . but we need to understand it ' s just the beginning.

Luiz has prospered since his 30m summer return to Stamford bridge from Paris saint-germain,lining up in the middle of a three-man defent

the spirit is amazing and when you have this team spirit,this makes the difference。I am happy to play for this team and I am happy to be part ot

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姓名:大卫·路易斯 英文名:David Luiz    国籍巴西 葡萄牙粤语名大卫雷斯 出生日期 出生地点巴西 身高188.0 CM体重73.0 KG场上位置后卫 现效力球队本菲卡足球俱乐部 球衣号...


大卫·路易斯(David Luiz),全名大卫·路易斯·莫莱拉·马里尼奥(David Luiz Moreira Marinho),巴西足球运动员,1987年4月22日出生于圣保罗州迪亚达玛,司职后卫大卫-路易斯。   200...