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英语翻译:钱龙long-lived w

ord gold ingot is rare hard currency, qianlong folk almost no use, only use gold bullion bars, court involves the big deals in ancient COINS is also rated, since the childhood of a little money to big when thousands of copper and silver, small seeds silver, silver, large pieces of silver, and so on, and gold melon seeds, gold bars, gold bars, the brics folk almost can't see, Gold bricks are only used in the Treasury as a town Treasury, which is the state's reserve fund, while gold ingot is also used by high-ranking officials and noble people, so it is rare to retain it until now.

Shou Character gold Ingot (bronze gilt)

Visible at the bottom of the fine words, the surface has a layer of old gold liquid gold, gold color and modern has obvious difference, suggests that the gold ingot is copper and gold, empty coffers in qing dynasty, and even the country town library the brics are copper and gold, enough to reflect the country's economic situation, the front of the gold ingot is grass of life of words, for the best choice to healtheries money at that time, patina nature, To open the door authentic ingot.

China is the first country in the world to use metal coinage, which has a history of more than 4,000 years. Continuous development process, the formation of the Oriental color of China's monetary system, and gold ingot is unique in the history of coins in the world. Gold ingot is equivalent to gold coin in foreign language. It is the currency of ancient China, which is the gold that is cast into ingots. In the history of Chinese currency, gold and silver were officially called "yuan Bao" in the Yuan Dynasty. However, as early as the kaiyuan years in the early Tang Dynasty, the folk had taken its huge, valuable meaning, read as "open yuan bao". The name of gold and silver money in yuan dynasty is "Yuan Bao", which means the treasure of the Yuan Dynasty. Gold is called gold yuan bao and silver ingot is called silver Yuan Bao, which has both political meaning and is also a common name for gold and silver money.

The qing Dynasty silver yuan bao mostly appeared in horseshoe-shaped yuan bao, after casting, and can be divided into large ingot, medium ingot, small ingot, commonly known as gold nugget or gold ingot in addition to broken gold. As all parts can be cast by themselves, so that the types and names of the products are generally the same in China, but the color and weight are not uniform. Gold ingot of different colors is used in different places, and there is a certain conversion rate for each exchange. Since gold ingot was the most valuable precious metal at the time, it was of great value and was generally used only for tax payments and bulk transactions. At that time, Treasury reserves usually take gold and silver ingot as the reserve currency, which is enough to see the financial status of gold and silver ingot at that time.

Pieces of silver positive is the design life of words, is shaped like a boat, the bottom has a fine words, but this is copper and gold ingots, is traded in gold ingot at the time, proving the empty coffers, less than the phenomenon of gold reserves, money collection are hierarchical, from copper to silver, to the specimen, the highest level is gold, and gold ingot is definitely higher specifications, The amount of existence is more rare, its value is inestimable.

Up to now, qianlong has experienced wars, plundering, melting and loss. Up to now, existence has been extremely rare. "The size of existence is the most important factor determining the value of ancient coins. From its treasure face "shou" character pattern, we can see that it belongs to the birthday ceremony, with auspicious happiness, with rich cultural connotation, refers to the inheritance; Its casting process also strives for excellence, meticulous, should be a fine work!

This life of word wing, no depletion, no residue, quality perfect, after long years, on the surface of the goldwater have fall off, the high standard of gold ingot in ancient times and even businesses are very rare, the people is not involved, gold metal is the highest level in ancient times, the queen's rockhopper, the emperor's crown are mainly made of pure gold, This rare gold ingot of longevity character is mainly used for congratulatory birthday, limited edition, with high historical research value, as well as economic collection value.









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