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  1. You are an understanding, helpful children. Your face in good faith, sothat teachers be moved; eyeful your concerns so that students feel a greatwarmth. You are a hard-working, studious child. Work seriously, writing isalways so clear, neat, self-motivated learning, the outstanding Greek effortswill continue, and sometimes love to bow their heads, but also a furtherpositive performance of their own for you to play a greater potential.t55鹿先生侃娱乐


  2. You are a little girl loves to learn, you are strong, often helpteachers do a lot of things. You are not sloppy, class attendance seriously, andactively speak. Obvious progress in learning, perseverance and hard work, thecompletio-n of a good classroom exercises, you also love the work, and activelyassiste--d the students is the students are very close partners. Teachers wantto contin-ue to work hard and do a good primary and secondary school students.Filling it, you will be very good!t55鹿先生侃娱乐


  3. Think of you, come in front of me is your class work on the scene of aserious and responsible. You are a talented girl in particular, do you have agood tolerance of the heart, and each student can become good friends, but alsofrom time to time for the sake of others, considerate and concerned abouteveryone around them. Teachers like you, to bring the issue to you, the teach-eris assured that you will complete a good teacher is a good helper. Toconcentrate on school attendance, and often you can hear the wonderfulspeake-rs. You unite the students and helpful. Here, the teachers want to letyou more dazzling next semester, to read more books for use as a holiday willachieve our goal, Come on!t55鹿先生侃娱乐


  4.In class, you can live in harmony with the students, the students arelike and your friends. You can seriously not only the completion of all thesubjects, but writing correct, clear. You are ready to help others, can bearhardships and stand hard, strong and courageous,拾金不昧sometimes guilty of thewrong words. Here, the teachers give you a word: A hard, a harvest, as long asthe hard-working down-to-earth, you will be better.t55鹿先生侃娱乐














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