
在分布式系统中,分布式事务是需要解决的问题,目前更常用的是最终一致性方案。年初阿里开业的Fescar (4月初更名为Seata)后,该项目受到极大关注,目前已接近8000名明星。Seata以高性能和零入侵为目标,正在解决微服务领域的分布式事务问题,目前正在快速迭代,最近的小目标是生产可用的MySQL版本。

本文主要基于spring cloud spring JPA spring cloud Alibaba Fe scar MySQL seata的结构构建分布式系统的demo,并通过seata的debug日志和源代码在客户端(RM,TM)上(示例条目:)




Fescar使用XID来表示需要传递给分布式事务请求中涉及的系统的分布式事务。这将向feacar-server发送分支事务处理,并接收feacar-server的commit,rollback指令。Fescar支持完整版本的dubbo协议,并为spring cloud(spring-boot)的分布式项目社区提供了适当的实施



artifactidspring-cloud-Alibaba-fescar/artifact id













private static final string registry _ conf=' regi ';

public static final configuration file _ instance=new file configuration(注册表_ conf);


Transport transport部分的配置对应于NettyServerConfig类,定义了在TM、RM和fescar-server之间使用Nett的netty特定参数

y 进行通信。
  • service
  • service { #vgroup->rgroup vgrou = "default" #配置Client连接TC的地址 de = "" #degrade current not support enableDegrade = false #disable 是否启用seata的分布式事务 disableGlobalTransaction = false }
    1. client
    client { #RM接收TC的commit通知后缓冲上限 a = 10000 lock { re = 10 re = 30 } }

    数据源 Proxy

    除了前面的配置文件,fescar 在 AT 模式下稍微有点代码量的地方就是对数据源的代理指定,且目前只能基于DruidDataSource的代理。 (注:在最新发布的 0.4.2 版本中已支持任意数据源类型)

    @Bean @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = ";) public DruidDataSource druidDataSource() { DruidDataSource druidDataSource = new DruidDataSource(); return druidDataSource; } @Primary @Bean("dataSource") public DataSourceProxy dataSource(DruidDataSource druidDataSource) { return new DataSourceProxy(druidDataSource); }

    使用 DataSourceProxy 的目的是为了引入 ConnectionProxy ,fescar 无侵入的一方面就体现在 ConnectionProxy 的实现上,即分支事务加入全局事务的切入点是在本地事务的 commit 阶段,这样设计可以保证业务数据与 undo_log 是在一个本地事务中。

    undo_log 是需要在业务库上创建的一个表,fescar 依赖该表记录每笔分支事务的状态及二阶段 rollback 的回放数据。不用担心该表的数据量过大形成单点问题,在全局事务 commit 的场景下事务对应的 undo_log 会异步删除。

    CREATE TABLE `undo_log` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `branch_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `xid` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `rollback_info` longblob NOT NULL, `log_status` int(11) NOT NULL, `log_created` datetime NOT NULL, `log_modified` datetime NOT NULL, `ext` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `ux_undo_log` (`xid`,`branch_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

    启动 Server

    前往 下载与 Client 版本对应的 fescar-server,避免由于版本的不同导致的协议不一致问题 进入解压之后的 bin 目录,执行:

    . 8091 ../data


    2019-04-09 20:27:24.637 INFO [main]c.a. -Server started ...

    启动 Client

    fescar 的加载入口类位于 GlobalTransactionAutoConfiguration,对基于 spring boot 的项目能够自动加载,当然也可以通过其他方式示例化 GlobalTransactionScanner。

    @Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties({Fe}) public class GlobalTransactionAutoConfiguration { private final ApplicationContext applicationContext; private final FescarProperties fescarProperties; public GlobalTransactionAutoConfiguration(ApplicationContext applicationContext, FescarProperties fescarProperties) { = applicationContext; = fescarProperties; } /** * 示例化GlobalTransactionScanner * scanner为client初始化的发起类 */ @Bean public GlobalTransactionScanner globalTransactionScanner() { String applicationName = .getEnvironment().getProperty(";); String txServiceGroup = .getTxServiceGroup(); if (txServiceGroup)) { txServiceGroup = applicationName + "-fescar-service-group"; .setTxServiceGroup(txServiceGroup); } return new GlobalTransactionScanner(applicationName, txServiceGroup); } }


    如果不指定服务组,则默认使用 -fescar-service-group生成名称,所以不指定启动会报错。

    @ConfigurationProperties(";) public class FescarProperties { private String txServiceGroup; public FescarProperties() { } public String getTxServiceGroup() { return ; } public void setTxServiceGroup(String txServiceGroup) { = txServiceGroup; } }

    获取 applicationId 和 txServiceGroup 后,创建 GlobalTransactionScanner 对象,主要看类中 initClient 方法。

    private void initClient() { if (applicationId) || S(txServiceGroup)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "applicationId: " + applicationId + ", txServiceGroup: " + txServiceGroup); } //init TM TMClient.init(applicationId, txServiceGroup); //init RM RMClient.init(applicationId, txServiceGroup); }

    方法中可以看到初始化了 TMClient 和 RMClient,对于一个服务既可以是TM角色也可以是RM角色,至于什么时候是 TM 或者 RM 则要看在一次全局事务中 @GlobalTransactional 注解标注在哪。 Client 创建的结果是与 TC 的一个 Netty 连接,所以在启动日志中可以看到两个 Netty Channel,其中标明了 transactionRole 分别为 TMROLE 和 RMROLE。

    2019-04-09 13:42:57.417 INFO 93715 --- [imeoutChecker_1] c.a.f.c.r : NettyPool create channel to {"address":"","message":{"applicationId":"business-service","byteBuffer":{"char":"\u0000","direct":false,"double":0.0,"float":0.0,"int":0,"long":0,"readOnly":false,"short":0},"transactionServiceGroup":"my_test_tx_group","typeCode":101,"version":"0.4.1"},"transactionRole":"TMROLE"} 2019-04-09 13:42:57.505 INFO 93715 --- [imeoutChecker_1] c.a.f.c.r : NettyPool create channel to {"address":"","message":{"applicationId":"business-service","byteBuffer":{"char":"\u0000","direct":false,"double":0.0,"float":0.0,"int":0,"long":0,"readOnly":false,"short":0},"transactionServiceGroup":"my_test_tx_group","typeCode":103,"version":"0.4.1"},"transactionRole":"RMROLE"} 2019-04-09 13:42:57.629 DEBUG 93715 --- [lector_TMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Send:RegisterTMRequest{applicationId='business-service', transactionServiceGroup='my_test_tx_group'} 2019-04-09 13:42:57.629 DEBUG 93715 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Send:RegisterRMRequest{resourceIds='null', applicationId='business-service', transactionServiceGroup='my_test_tx_group'} 2019-04-09 13:42:57.699 DEBUG 93715 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Receive:version=0.4.1,extraData=null,identified=true,resultCode=null,msg=null,messageId:1 2019-04-09 13:42:57.699 DEBUG 93715 --- [lector_TMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Receive:version=0.4.1,extraData=null,identified=true,resultCode=null,msg=null,messageId:2 2019-04-09 13:42:57.701 DEBUG 93715 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : com.alibaba. msgId:1, future :com.alibaba.fescar.core.protocol.MessageFuture@28bb1abd, body:version=0.4.1,extraData=null,identified=true,resultCode=null,msg=null 2019-04-09 13:42:57.701 DEBUG 93715 --- [lector_TMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : com.alibaba. msgId:2, future :com.alibaba.fescar.core.protocol.MessageFuture@9a1e3df, body:version=0.4.1,extraData=null,identified=true,resultCode=null,msg=null 2019-04-09 13:42:57.710 INFO 93715 --- [imeoutChecker_1] c.a. : register RM success. server version:0.4.1,channel:[id: 0xe6468995, L:/ - R:/] 2019-04-09 13:42:57.710 INFO 93715 --- [imeoutChecker_1] c.a.f.c.r : register success, cost 114 ms, version:0.4.1,role:TMROLE,channel:[id: 0xd22fe0c5, L:/ - R:/] 2019-04-09 13:42:57.711 INFO 93715 --- [imeoutChecker_1] c.a.f.c.r : register success, cost 125 ms, version:0.4.1,role:RMROLE,channel:[id: 0xe6468995, L:/ - R:/]


    1. 创建Netty连接
    2. 发送注册请求
    3. 得到响应结果
    4. RmRpcClient、TmRpcClient 成功实例化

    TM 处理流程

    在本例中,TM 的角色是 business-service, BusinessService 的 purchase 方法标注了 @GlobalTransactional 注解:

    @Service public class BusinessService { @Autowired private StorageFeignClient storageFeignClient; @Autowired private OrderFeignClient orderFeignClient; @GlobalTransactional public void purchase(String userId, String commodityCode, int orderCount){ (commodityCode, orderCount); orderFeignClient.create(userId, commodityCode, orderCount); } }

    方法调用后将会创建一个全局事务,首先关注 @GlobalTransactional 注解的作用,在 GlobalTransactionalInterceptor 中被拦截处理。

    /** * AOP拦截方法调用 */ @Override public Object invoke(final MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable { Class<?> targetClass = () != null ? Ao()) : null); Method specificMethod = Cla(), targetClass); final Method method = BridgeMe(specificMethod); //获取方法GlobalTransactional注解 final GlobalTransactional globalTransactionalAnnotation = getAnnotation(method, GlobalTran); final GlobalLock globalLockAnnotation = getAnnotation(method, GlobalLock.class); //如果方法有GlobalTransactional注解,则拦截到相应方法处理 if (globalTransactionalAnnotation != null) { return handleGlobalTransaction(methodInvocation, globalTransactionalAnnotation); } else if (globalLockAnnotation != null) { return handleGlobalLock(methodInvocation); } else { return me(); } }

    handleGlobalTransaction 方法中对 TransactionalTemplate 的 execute 进行了调用,从类名可以看到这是一个标准的模版方法,它定义了 TM 对全局事务处理的标准步骤,注释已经比较清楚了。

    public Object execute(TransactionalExecutor business) throws Tran { // 1. get or create a transaction GlobalTransaction tx = GlobalTran(); try { // 2. begin transaction try { triggerBeforeBegin(); (), bu()); triggerAfterBegin(); } catch (TransactionException txe) { throw new Tran(tx, txe, Tran); } Object rs = null; try { // Do Your Business rs = bu(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // 3. any business exception, rollback. try { triggerBeforeRollback(); (); triggerAfterRollback(); // 3.1 Successfully rolled back throw new Tran(tx, Tran, ex); } catch (TransactionException txe) { // 3.2 Failed to rollback throw new Tran(tx, txe, Tran, ex); } } // 4. everything is fine, commit. try { triggerBeforeCommit(); (); triggerAfterCommit(); } catch (TransactionException txe) { // 4.1 Failed to commit throw new Tran(tx, txe, Tran); } return rs; } finally { //5. clear triggerAfterCompletion(); cleanUp(); } }

    通过 DefaultGlobalTransaction 的 begin 方法开启全局事务。

    public void begin(int timeout, String name) throws TransactionException { if (role != GlobalTran) { check(); if ()) { LOGGER.debug("Ignore Begin(): just involved in global transaction [" + xid + "]"); } return; } if (xid != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if () != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } //具体开启事务的方法,获取TC返回的XID xid = (null, null, name, timeout); status = GlobalS; Roo(xid); if ()) { LOGGER.debug("Begin a NEW global transaction [" + xid + "]"); } }

    方法开头处if (role != GlobalTran)对 role 的判断有关键的作用,表明当前是全局事务的发起者(Launcher)还是参与者(Participant)。如果在分布式事务的下游系统方法中也加上@GlobalTransactional注解,那么它的角色就是 Participant,会忽略后面的 begin 直接 return,而判断是 Launcher 还是 Participant 是根据当前上下文是否已存在 XID 来判断,没有 XID 的就是 Launcher,已经存在 XID的就是 Participant。由此可见,全局事务的创建只能由 Launcher 执行,而一次分布式事务中也只有一个Launcher 存在。

    DefaultTransactionManager负责 TM 与 TC 通讯,发送 begin、commit、rollback 指令。

    @Override public String begin(String applicationId, String transactionServiceGroup, String name, int timeout) throws TransactionException { GlobalBeginRequest request = new GlobalBeginRequest(); reque(name); reque(timeout); GlobalBeginResponse response = (GlobalBeginResponse)syncCall(request); return re(); }

    至此拿到 fescar-server 返回的 XID 表示一个全局事务创建成功,日志中也反应了上述流程。

    2019-04-09 13:46:57.417 DEBUG 31326 --- [nio-8084-exec-1] c.a.f.c.r : offer message: timeout=60000,transactionName=purchase) 2019-04-09 13:46:57.417 DEBUG 31326 --- [geSend_TMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : write message:FescarMergeMessage timeout=60000,transactionName=purchase), channel:[id: 0xa148545e, L:/ - R:/],active?true,writable?true,isopen?true 2019-04-09 13:46:57.418 DEBUG 31326 --- [lector_TMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Send:FescarMergeMessage timeout=60000,transactionName=purchase) 2019-04-09 13:46:57.421 DEBUG 31326 --- [lector_TMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Receive:MergeResultMessage com.alibaba.fescar.core.protocol.transaction.GlobalBeginResponse@2dc480dc,messageId:1196 2019-04-09 13:46:57.421 DEBUG 31326 --- [nio-8084-exec-1] c.a. : bind 2019-04-09 13:46:57.421 DEBUG 31326 --- [nio-8084-exec-1] c.a.f. : Begin a NEW global transaction []

    全局事务创建后,就开始执行 bu(),即业务代码(commodityCode, orderCount)进入 RM 处理流程,此处的业务逻辑为调用 storage-service 的扣减库存接口。

    RM 处理流程

    @GetMapping(path = "/deduct") public Boolean deduct(String commodityCode, Integer count){ (commodityCode,count); return true; } @Transactional public void deduct(String commodityCode, int count){ Storage storage = (commodityCode); ()-count); (storage); }

    storage 的接口和 service 方法并未出现 fescar 相关的代码和注解,体现了 fescar 的无侵入。那它是如何加入到这次全局事务中的呢?答案在ConnectionProxy中,这也是前面说为什么必须要使用DataSourceProxy的原因,通过 DataSourceProxy 才能在业务代码的本地事务提交时,fescar 通过该切入点,向 TC 注册分支事务并发送 RM 的处理结果。

    由于业务代码本身的事务提交被ConnectionProxy代理实现,所以在提交本地事务时,实际执行的是ConnectionProxy 的 commit 方法。

    public void commit() throws SQLException { //如果当前是全局事务,则执行全局事务的提交 //判断是不是全局事务,就是看当前上下文是否存在XID if ()) { processGlobalTransactionCommit(); } else if ()) { processLocalCommitWithGlobalLocks(); } else { (); } } private void processGlobalTransactionCommit() throws SQLException { try { //首先是向TC注册RM,拿到TC分配的branchId register(); } catch (TransactionException e) { recognizeLockKeyConflictException(e); } try { if ()) { //写入undolog UndoLogManager.flushUndoLogs(this); } //提交本地事务,写入undo_log和业务数据在同一个本地事务中 (); } catch (Throwable ex) { //向TC发送RM的事务处理失败的通知 report(false); if (ex instanceof SQLException) { throw new SQLException(ex); } } //向TC发送RM的事务处理成功的通知 report(true); con(); } private void register() throws TransactionException { //注册RM,构建request通过netty向TC发送注册指令 Long branchId = De().branchRegister, getDataSourceProxy().getResourceId(), null, con(), null, con()); //将返回的branchId存在上下文中 con(branchId); }


    2019-04-09 21:57:48.341 DEBUG 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] o.s.c.a.f.web.FescarHandlerInterceptor : xid in RootContext null xid in RpcContext 2019-04-09 21:57:48.341 DEBUG 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a. : bind 2019-04-09 21:57:48.341 DEBUG 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] o.s.c.a.f.web.FescarHandlerInterceptor : bind to RootContext 2019-04-09 21:57:48.386 INFO 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] o.h.h.i.QueryTranslatorFactoryInitiator : HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory Hibernate: select as id1_0_, as commodit2_0_, as count3_0_ from storage_tbl storage0_ where =? Hibernate: update storage_tbl set count=? where id=? 2019-04-09 21:57:48.673 INFO 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a. : will connect to 2019-04-09 21:57:48.673 INFO 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a. : RM will register :jdbc:mysql:// 2019-04-09 21:57:48.673 INFO 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a.f.c.r : NettyPool create channel to {"address":"","message":{"applicationId":"storage-service","byteBuffer":{"char":"\u0000","direct":false,"double":0.0,"float":0.0,"int":0,"long":0,"readOnly":false,"short":0},"resourceIds":"jdbc:mysql://","transactionServiceGroup":"hello-service-fescar-service-group","typeCode":103,"version":"0.4.0"},"transactionRole":"RMROLE"} 2019-04-09 21:57:48.677 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Send:RegisterRMRequest{resourceIds='jdbc:mysql://', applicationId='storage-service', transactionServiceGroup='hello-service-fescar-service-group'} 2019-04-09 21:57:48.680 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Receive:version=0.4.1,extraData=null,identified=true,resultCode=null,msg=null,messageId:9 2019-04-09 21:57:48.680 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : com.alibaba.@7d61f5d4 msgId:9, future :com.alibaba.fescar.core.protocol.MessageFuture@186cd3e0, body:version=0.4.1,extraData=null,identified=true,resultCode=null,msg=null 2019-04-09 21:57:48.680 INFO 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a. : register RM success. server version:0.4.1,channel:[id: 0xd40718e3, L:/ - R:/] 2019-04-09 21:57:48.680 INFO 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a.f.c.r : register success, cost 3 ms, version:0.4.1,role:RMROLE,channel:[id: 0xd40718e3, L:/ - R:/] 2019-04-09 21:57:48.680 DEBUG 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a.f.c.r : offer message: transactionId=2008546211,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,lockKey=storage_tbl:1 2019-04-09 21:57:48.681 DEBUG 38933 --- [geSend_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : write message:FescarMergeMessage transactionId=2008546211,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,lockKey=storage_tbl:1, channel:[id: 0xd40718e3, L:/ - R:/],active?true,writable?true,isopen?true 2019-04-09 21:57:48.681 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Send:FescarMergeMessage transactionId=2008546211,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,lockKey=storage_tbl:1 2019-04-09 21:57:48.687 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Receive:MergeResultMessage BranchRegisterResponse: transactionId=2008546211,branchId=2008546212,result code =Success,getMsg =null,messageId:11 2019-04-09 21:57:48.702 DEBUG 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a.f.rm.da : Flushing UNDO LOG: {"branchId":2008546212,"sqlUndoLogs":[{"afterImage":{"rows":[{"fields":[{"keyType":"PrimaryKey","name":"id","type":4,"value":1},{"keyType":"NULL","name":"count","type":4,"value":993}]}],"tableName":"storage_tbl"},"beforeImage":{"rows":[{"fields":[{"keyType":"PrimaryKey","name":"id","type":4,"value":1},{"keyType":"NULL","name":"count","type":4,"value":994}]}],"tableName":"storage_tbl"},"sqlType":"UPDATE","tableName":"storage_tbl"}],"xid":""} 2019-04-09 21:57:48.755 DEBUG 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a.f.c.r : offer message: transactionId=2008546211,branchId=2008546212,resourceId=null,status=PhaseOne_Done,applicationData=null 2019-04-09 21:57:48.755 DEBUG 38933 --- [geSend_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : write message:FescarMergeMessage transactionId=2008546211,branchId=2008546212,resourceId=null,status=PhaseOne_Done,applicationData=null, channel:[id: 0xd40718e3, L:/ - R:/],active?true,writable?true,isopen?true 2019-04-09 21:57:48.756 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Send:FescarMergeMessage transactionId=2008546211,branchId=2008546212,resourceId=null,status=PhaseOne_Done,applicationData=null 2019-04-09 21:57:48.758 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Receive:MergeResultMessage com.alibaba.fescar.core.protocol.transaction.BranchReportResponse@582a08cf,messageId:13 2019-04-09 21:57:48.799 DEBUG 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] c.a. : unbind 2019-04-09 21:57:48.799 DEBUG 38933 --- [nio-8081-exec-1] o.s.c.a.f.web.FescarHandlerInterceptor : unbind from RootContext
    1. 获取business-service传来的XID
    2. 绑定XID到当前上下文中
    3. 执行业务逻辑sql
    4. 向TC创建本次RM的Netty连接
    5. 向TC发送分支事务的相关信息
    6. 获得TC返回的branchId
    7. 记录Undo Log数据
    8. 向TC发送本次事务PhaseOne阶段的处理结果
    9. 从当前上下文中解绑XID

    其中第 1 步和第 9 步,是在FescarHandlerInterceptor中完成的,该类并不属于 fescar,是前面提到的 spring-cloud-alibaba-fescar,它实现了基于 feign、rest 通信时将 xid bind 和 unbind 到当前请求上下文中。到这里 RM 完成了 PhaseOne 阶段的工作,接着看 PhaseTwo 阶段的处理逻辑。


    各分支事务执行完成后,TC 对各 RM 的汇报结果进行汇总,给各 RM 发送 commit 或 rollback 的指令。

    2019-04-09 21:57:49.813 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Receive:xid=,branchId=2008546212,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null,messageId:1 2019-04-09 21:57:49.813 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : com.alibaba.@7d61f5d4 msgId:1, body:xid=,branchId=2008546212,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null 2019-04-09 21:57:49.814 INFO 38933 --- [atch_RMROLE_1_8] c.a.f.core.r : onMessage:xid=,branchId=2008546212,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null 2019-04-09 21:57:49.816 INFO 38933 --- [atch_RMROLE_1_8] com.alibaba. : Branch committing: 2008546212 jdbc:mysql:// null 2019-04-09 21:57:49.816 INFO 38933 --- [atch_RMROLE_1_8] com.alibaba. : Branch commit result: PhaseTwo_Committed 2019-04-09 21:57:49.817 INFO 38933 --- [atch_RMROLE_1_8] c.a. : RmRpcClient sendResponse branchStatus=PhaseTwo_Committed,result code =Success,getMsg =null 2019-04-09 21:57:49.817 DEBUG 38933 --- [atch_RMROLE_1_8] c.a.f.c.r : send response:branchStatus=PhaseTwo_Committed,result code =Success,getMsg =null,channel:[id: 0xd40718e3, L:/ - R:/] 2019-04-09 21:57:49.817 DEBUG 38933 --- [lector_RMROLE_1] c.a.f.c.r : Send:branchStatus=PhaseTwo_Committed,result code =Success,getMsg =null


    1. RM 收到 XID=,branchId=2008546212 的 commit 通知;
    2. 执行 commit 动作;
    3. 将 commit 结果发送给 TC,branchStatus 为 PhaseTwo_Committed;

    具体看下二阶段 commit 的执行过程,在AbstractRMHandler类的 doBranchCommit 方法:

    /** * 拿到通知的xid、branchId等关键参数 * 然后调用RM的branchCommit */ protected void doBranchCommit(BranchCommitRequest request, BranchCommitResponse response) throws TransactionException { String xid = reque(); long branchId = reque(); String resourceId = reque(); String applicationData = reque(); LOGGER.info("Branch committing: " + xid + " " + branchId + " " + resourceId + " " + applicationData); BranchStatus status = getResourceManager().branchCommi(), xid, branchId, resourceId, applicationData); re(status); LOGGER.info("Branch commit result: " + status); }

    最终会将 branchCommit 的请求调用到AsyncWorker的 branchCommit 方法。AsyncWorker 的处理方式是fescar 架构的一个关键部分,因为大部分事务都是会正常提交的,所以在 PhaseOne 阶段就已经结束了,这样就可以将锁最快的释放。PhaseTwo 阶段接收 commit 的指令后,异步处理即可。将 PhaseTwo 的时间消耗排除在一次分布式事务之外。

    private static final List<Phase2Context> ASYNC_COMMIT_BUFFER = Collec( new ArrayList<Phase2Context>()); /** * 将需要提交的XID加入list */ @Override public BranchStatus branchCommit(BranchType branchType, String xid, long branchId, String resourceId, String applicationData) throws TransactionException { if () < ASYNC_COMMIT_BUFFER_LIMIT) { ASYNC_COMMIT_BUFFER.add(new Phase2Context(branchType, xid, branchId, resourceId, applicationData)); } else { LOGGER.warn("Async commit buffer is FULL. Rejected branch [" + branchId + "/" + xid + "] will be handled by housekeeping later."); } return Branc; } /** * 通过定时任务消费list中的XID */ public synchronized void init() { LOGGER.info("Async Commit Buffer Limit: " + ASYNC_COMMIT_BUFFER_LIMIT); timerExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1, new NamedThreadFactory("AsyncWorker", 1, true)); (new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { doBranchCommits(); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.info("Failed at async committing ... " + e.getMessage()); } } }, 10, 1000 * 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } private void doBranchCommits() { if () == 0) { return; } Map<String, List<Phase2Context>> mappedContexts = new HashMap<>(); Iterator<Phase2Context> iterator = ASYNC_COMMIT_BUFFER.iterator(); //一次定时循环取出ASYNC_COMMIT_BUFFER中的所有待办数据 //以resourceId作为key分组待commit数据,resourceId是一个数据库的连接url //在前面的日志中可以看到,目的是为了覆盖应用的多数据源创建 while ()) { Phase2Context commitContext = i(); List<Phase2Context> contextsGroupedByResourceId = ma); if (contextsGroupedByResourceId == null) { contextsGroupedByResourceId = new ArrayList<>(); ma, contextsGroupedByResourceId); } con(commitContext); i(); } for ;String, List<Phase2Context>> entry : ma()) { Connection conn = null; try { try { //根据resourceId获取数据源以及连接 DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy = Da().ge()); conn = da(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to get connection for async committing on " + en(), sqle); continue; } List<Phase2Context> contextsGroupedByResourceId = en(); for (Phase2Context commitContext : contextsGroupedByResourceId) { try { //执行undolog的处理,即删除xid、branchId对应的记录 UndoLogManager.deleteUndoLog, commi, conn); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.warn( "Failed to delete undo log [" + commi + "/" + commi + "]", ex); } } } finally { if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException closeEx) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to close JDBC resource while deleting undo_log ", closeEx); } } } } }




    1. 分支事务处理异常,即ConnectionProxy中report(false)的情况
    2. TM捕获到下游系统上抛的异常,即发起全局事务标有@GlobalTransactional注解的方法捕获到的异常。在前面TransactionalTemplate类的execute模版方法中,对bu()的调用进行了catch,catch后会调用rollback,由TM通知TC对应XID需要回滚事务
    public void rollback() throws TransactionException { //只有Launcher能发起这个rollback if (role == GlobalTran) { // Participant has no responsibility of committing if ()) { LOGGER.debug("Ignore Rollback(): just involved in global transaction [" + xid + "]"); } return; } if (xid == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } status = (xid); if () != null) { if ())) { Roo(); } } }

    TC 汇总后向参与者发送 rollback 指令,RM 在AbstractRMHandler类的 doBranchRollback 方法中接收这个rollback 的通知。

    protected void doBranchRollback(BranchRollbackRequest request, BranchRollbackResponse response) throws TransactionException { String xid = reque(); long branchId = reque(); String resourceId = reque(); String applicationData = reque(); LOGGER.info("Branch rolling back: " + xid + " " + branchId + " " + resourceId); BranchStatus status = getResourceManager().branchRollback(), xid, branchId, resourceId, applicationData); re(status); LOGGER.info("Branch rollback result: " + status); }

    然后将 rollback 请求传递到DataSourceManager类的 branchRollback 方法。

    public BranchStatus branchRollback(BranchType branchType, String xid, long branchId, String resourceId, String applicationData) throws TransactionException { //根据resourceId获取对应的数据源 DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy = get(resourceId); if (dataSourceProxy == null) { throw new ShouldNeverHappenException(); } try { UndoLogManager.undo(dataSourceProxy, xid, branchId); } catch (TransactionException te) { if () == Tran) { return Branc; } else { return Branc; } } return Branc; }

    最终会执行UndoLogManager类的 undo 方法,因为是纯 jdbc 操作代码比较长就不贴出来了,可以通过连接到github 查看源码,说一下 undo 的具体流程:

    1. 根据 xid 和 branchId 查找 PhaseOne 阶段提交的 undo_log;
    2. 如果找到了就根据 undo_log 中记录的数据生成回放 sql 并执行,即还原 PhaseOne 阶段修改的数据;
    3. 第 2 步处理完后,删除该条 undo_log 数据;
    4. 如果第 1 步没有找到对应的 undo_log,就插入一条状态为GlobalFinished的 undo_log。出现没找到的原因可能是 PhaseOne 阶段的本地事务异常了,导致没有正常写入。 因为 xid 和 branchId 是唯一索引,所以第 4步的插入,可以防止 PhaseOne 阶段恢复后的成功写入,那么 PhaseOne 阶段就会异常,这样一来业务数据也就不会提交成功,数据达到了最终回滚了的效果。


    本地结合分布式业务场景,分析了 fescar client 侧的主要处理流程,对 TM 和 RM 角色的主要源码进行了解析,希望能对大家理解 fescar 的工作原理有所帮助。

    随着 fescar 的快速迭代以及后期 Roadmap 规划的不断完善,假以时日,相信 fescar 能够成为开源分布式事务的标杆解决方案。



