




why don ' t you introduce your friend to me from your company?

设置.up with.简介.


why don ' t you set me up with some one from your company?


Can I introduce my good friend to you?

2.坠入爱河fall in love Be in love


They have been in love with each other for 9 years.

3. 见到你的那一瞬间,我就爱上你了

I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.

4. I missing you我思念你

我无时无刻不在想你 I miss you at every beat of my heart.


I miss you so much that I can’t sleep all night long。

你是我的唯一You are my one and only.

5. break up

我们上个月分手了。We broke up last month.

break broke


I think I’m going to break up with you.

You are getting on my nerves lately.

I think I’m going to break up with you. You are getting on my nerves lately.

nerve 神经

have a heart-to-heart talk 好好谈谈

我想我们应该认真谈谈。I guess we should have a heart-to-heart talk.


shoulder 肩,肩膀

You have been giving me the cold shoulder recently

Let’s have a heart-to-heart talk to see why.

Match 般配

我们两个不般配We don’t match each other.

《常驻我心》 stuck in my heart


A: I have a date for Friday night and I really can’t decide what to do.


B: You could take her to a dinner or a movie.


A: No, I want it to be more exciting than that.


B: Does she like sports? You could take her to a soccer game.


A: I don’t think so. I took her to a soccer game last time and she kept grumbling at me for quite a few days.


B: Well, there’s a play on campus this weekend. And, I hear that girl really likes the symphony.


A: That’s a good idea. That way she’ll think that I enjoy culture. Do you have any other ideas?


B: What’s the matter with those ideas? I thought they were great.


A: Yes, they were. But I need just a few more for future reference.


B: Have you ever tried going on a picnic? If you take some other couples,

you can play guitar, sing songs and drink beer.


A: Cool, but what if the weather isn’t cooperating?


B: You could take her to the art museum and a cafe.


A: You’re a real expert.你是一个真正的专家

1.我的鼻水流不停I have got a running nose.

2. 我的鼻子塞住了My nose is blocked

3. 我的喉咙很痛I have got sore throat

4. 我一直咳不停I cough non-stop.

5. 我的头很晕I am feeling giddy

6.snuffle 抽鼻子

prince charming白马王子

7.He is a lady-killer. 他是个美男子。

8. He dates around a lot. 他和好多女人来往。

9. He really turns me on. 他让我神魂颠倒

10. He is really a heartbreaker.他长得真帅。

11. 她真是迷人啊She is a knockout.

Knockout 淘汰

12. I think she has a crush on you. 我觉得她好像看上你了

13. I can’t handle a girl like him. 我不敢像她那样打姑娘的主意


A: I want to say...

B: Say it! What is it?

A: That I can’t go on any longer without you.

B: You know you should not say that at a time like this.

A: Daisy, I made up my mind you were the only woman for me at the first sight.

B: Too sudden! I’m not ready for it.

A: Forgive me.

B: Stop it. No more of that talk.

A: I really love you.

B: No, I shall faint.

A: And I hope so. This is what you were meant for. Say you love me, say yes, say yes.

B: yes!

make up one's mind to do sth.

Ray: you look thoughtful and unhappy recently. What’s wrong with you?

Jay: Lily broke up with me last week. In fact, she dumped me.

Ray: Why? I mean, why did she dump you after 7 years?

Jay: she said it was because we had very different ideas about life.

Ray:Do you believe her excuse?

Jay:of course not. I knew he had fallen in love with another guy. It is difficult to see her move on so quickly.

Ray: come on, buddy,cheer up. Why not do some sports with me?Violence exercise might help you to shake you out of your disappointment in love.

Jay:thank you. You are really a good friend.


