
/BSD;B \ SD/adj

(1)不可撤销;Not sensible不合理;荒唐荒唐的:

What an absurd suggestion!多么荒唐的建议!

* it was absurd of you to suggest such a thing。你提出这样的事真是荒唐。

(2) foolish in a funny way; ridiculous 愚蠢得可笑的; 怪诞不经的:

That uniform makes them look absurd. 他们穿着那种制服看起来怪。



/ rɪˈdɪkjuləs; rɪˋdɪkjələs/ adj.

deserving to be laughed at; absurd 可笑的; 荒谬的; 荒唐的:

You look ridiculous in those tight jeans. 你穿上那紧身牛仔裤样子真可笑。

* What a ridiculous idea! 多么荒谬的念头!


absurd world 荒谬世界

sounding absurd 听上去很荒谬

an absurd suggestion 荒谬的建议

an absurd claim 不合理的要求

an absurd question 可笑的问题

an absurd man 愚蠢的男人

(idiom 习语) from the sublime to the ridiculous: from sth. great, admirable, etc. to sth. trivial, absurd, etc. 由极好转到极无聊的事物上

(sublime / səˈblaɪm; səˋblaɪm/ adj. of the greatest, most admirable kind; causing awe and reverence 伟大的;崇高的; 令人赞叹的; 令人崇敬的)

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