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NBA History:Join us in wishing a Happy 47th Birthday to 11x #NBAAllStar, 4x NBA scoring champ, 2000-01 NBA MVP & 75th Anniversary Team member, Allen Iverson! #NBABDAY #NBA75

NBA History:与我们一起祝愿 11次NBA全明星、4 次 NBA 得分王、2000-01 赛季 NBA 常规赛MVP 和 NBA75大球星阿伦·艾弗森 47 岁生日快乐!#NBABDAY #NBA75

Best wishes AI! You have inspired a whole generation of young ballers and the impact you had on the game is not talked about enough.


Happy Birthday Allen! Talent that will never forget in #NBA history!


Allen Iverson: The Original 2K Cover Athlete!

艾伦艾弗森:最初的 2K 封面运动员!

Only Allen Iverson can get the 2K cover 5 years in a row.

只有艾弗森能连续5 年是2K封面人物。

Allen Iverson led his high school football & basketball team to state championships & was named Virginia AP Player of the Year in both sports!

阿伦艾弗森带领他的高中橄榄球队和篮球队参加了州冠军赛,并在两项运动中都被评为弗吉尼亚 AP 年度最佳球员!



All-Star Game MVP

All-NBA 1st

Scoring Champ

Steals Leader

NBA Finals

Season: 31 PTS, 4.6 AST, 2.5 STL

Playoffs: 33 PTS, 6.1 AST, 2.4 STL

阿伦艾弗森的 2000-2001赛季

NBA常规赛MVP 全明星赛MVP 全联盟得分王、抢断王;NBA,带领球队打进总决赛。

常规赛场均31 分4.6 助攻2.5抢断;

季后赛场均33 分分6.1 助攻2.4 抢断

and he would average 40 in todays game.


He changed the landscape in the early 2000’s, easily one of the most impactful players we’ve seen.

他在 2000 年代初期改变了(联盟的)格局,很容易成为我们见过的最有影响力的球员之一。

3rd best shooting guard of all time happy born day big homie


He’s the reason I started hooping … my all time goat for favorite player … he had the heart of a lion


I’m born and raised in Philly it hurts my heart he didn’t win a ring


the fact that Allen Iverson is almost 50 is making me feel like a fucking senior citizen

艾弗森快 50 岁的事实让我觉得自己像个TMD老年人

I didn’t see Wilt…started watching the Sixers towards the end of Doc’s career…Charles was great…Embiid has almost been MVP a couple of times…but AI is the best and most exciting player I’ve ever seen in a Sixers uniform.

我没有看到威尔特……在J博士的职业生涯末期开始看 76 人队……查尔斯(巴克利)很棒……恩比德几乎有几次能成为 MVP……但AI是我见过的穿76人队球衣最好看和最令人兴奋的球员。

Ended Ty Lue's career


I'm sorry for everyone of Y'all that didn't get to see him ball. He was an era, in an era, all by himself!


A.I one of the goat killers, it he had been 6-5 or taller he would have been the goat


Allen Iverson’s highest scoring games He’s 5’11, 165 lbs...

60 pts

58 pts

55 pts

54 pts x 3

53 pts

52 pts

51 pts x 3

50 pts x 3

40 point games: 89 (6th)

50 point games: 14 (7th)

30 point games: 381 (10th)

30 PPG playoffs (2nd to Mike)

26.7 PPG career (7th all time)

身高 5'11, 体重165 磅的阿伦艾弗森得分最高的比赛60 分 58 分 55 分 54 分 x 3次 53 分 52 分 51 分 x 3次 50 分 x 3次

40 分比赛:89 场(NBA历史第六)

50 分场次:14 场(NBA历史第7)

30 分场次:381 场(NBA历史第10)

季后赛场均 30 分(历史第二,仅次于迈克尔乔丹)

职业生涯场均 26.7 分(NBA历史第 7 位)

Allen Iverson getting his hair braided by his mom during a game. Legendary


Kobe Bryant averaged 31.6 points throughout the 2001 Western Conference Playoffs.

Allen Iverson averaged 32.1 points throughout the 2001 Eastern Conference Playoffs

科比·布莱恩特在 2001 年西部季后赛中场均得到 31.6 分。

阿伦·艾弗森在 2001 年东部季后赛中场均得到 32.1 分

Allen Iverson steps over Tyronn Lue on his way to dropping 48 points on the Lakers in Game 1 of the NBA Finals and gave the Lakers their only loss of the playoffs.

阿伦艾弗森在总决赛第一场比赛中晃倒泰伦卢,在湖人队的比赛中砍下 48 分是湖人队当赛季季后赛唯一一场失利。

FIBA:The Icon, The Answer, The One and Only Allen Iverson turns 47 today Happy birthday!


“I wasn’t a point guard, I was a killer.”

Happy birthday to the one and only, Allen Iverson.



The things he accomplished at his size in that era are legendary. But aside from all that, he’s the coolest player anyone has ever seen


AI was curry before curry as far as inspiring a generation to think you have to be super tall or a freak of nature to play ball. Quickness and handles is just as important












阿伦艾佛森相关介绍,艾弗森是黑人孩子的代表。任何为生活而努力的黑人都能与他在感情上产生共鸣。我尊重乔丹。他让我进步,但艾弗森是独一无二的。就像上帝一样。(莎士比亚)。 这是詹姆斯在2005年做客一档节目时所说的话。 而回...



阿伦艾佛森相关介绍,马布里和艾弗森,96年黄金一代的巅峰对决,谁能做得更好? 马布里现在是CBA北京资金勇士篮球俱乐部的主教练,在CBA退役之前,他曾在北京首钢队获得过三次冠军。 曾经入选6次 CBA 全明星阵容,甚至还...



阿伦艾佛森相关介绍,艾伦艾弗森,NBA最伟大的球员之一,这个范围加上身高限制,艾弗森绝对在190厘米以下,NBA历史上最伟大的球员之一也没有。(阿尔伯特爱因斯坦)(美国)。 183公分的身高,常规赛MVP、4次得分王、3...