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什么象征着爱情的永恒英语 什么东西象征爱情永恒

Eternal Love永恒的爱

(a man facing death leaves this for his wife)

Your love is priceless,that is the best part of you that nothing could buy,or replace。

I recall that look in your eyes,when I stood there saying,dancing now or never,and I knew then you had a love that would last forever.

It was、and is.and while I can never put into words what that meant to me,know that it was returned,with a little interest thrown in

Maybe we could have done better,in areas of worldly thingsbut never consider for a moment that I have any regrets,or would do anything different where it comes to you。

Know too that I will miss you,as you miss me.and be waiting for you do join meUntil then,eternal loved will never let us part,and when I see you again,try to have the same look in your eyes.but wipe that smirk







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