

Today we are going to discuss the relationships between neighbors. We are going to look at how people interact with their neighbors nowadays and compare it with that of the past. So here’s today’s question: Do you think people’s relationships with their neighbors today are the same as they were in the past?




Do you think people’s relationships with their neighbors today are the same as they were in the past?

Clearly not. It’s obvious that the relationships between neighbors have changed drastically over the last twenty years or so. I remember that when I was young, like about five or six years old, I could call out the names of all the neighbors living in the same flat with me. I also remember that my grandmother would always take me to our neighbors’ homes and hang around there like after dinner or something. But nowadays, even if we meet our neighbors in the hallway or in the neighborhood, we would rarely even say hello to them. I think the main cause for this change is the technological advancement in our communication methods. In the past, we barely even use our landline to communicate with others because of the cost. But today, with our heads always buried into the cell phone screens, it’s no wonder why we have no time to interact with our neighbors.


have changed drastically发生巨变

over the last twenty years or so过去的20年间

call out the names of … 喊出…的名字

hang around到处串门,到处逛

in the hallway在走廊上

use our landline 使用座机

buried into我们的脑袋总是埋到电话屏幕里(我们都是低头族)

it’s no wonder that难怪

interact with our neighbors和邻居们聊天


So that’s pretty much it for today’s session of Ten Minute Speaking. Today we looked at the relationship between neighbors. I’m Lije. Thanks for listening, and as always, have a nice day!


