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▼来野·莫干山民宿,Laiyee guest house

As a popular leisure experience in recent years, B & B not only brings visual enjoyment, but also can really guide tourists to the beautiful scenery. Mogan Mountain is such a place. The rolling hills here are an ideal place for vacations and summer vacations. At this time, Laiye B & B was quietly hiding in a place in Mogan Mountain, and gradually conveyed the breath of life to people coming from afar.
▼建筑外观,exterior view

新的定义 | New definition
Putting aside the traditional concept of traditional homestays, the host hopes that the homestay can meet the needs of swimming pools, bars, and art spaces. Due to the limitations of the original space, the designers Shen Mo and Zhang Jianyong analyzed the plan and decided to demolish the whole building and reconstruct a new modern building.
▼鸟瞰,aerial view

水中的一棵树 | A tree in the water
The concept of “a tree in the water” was interpreted and reorganized to allow the building to grow freely like a tree and full of vitality in response to the beautiful scenery of Mogan Mountain. The choice of materials and the way of interspersing the structure make the building pure and independent in the environment, eliminating the impact of the surrounding environment.
▼庭院汀步,stepping stone in the courtyard

建筑设计手法受国际建筑大师勒·柯布西耶( Le Corbusier)五大要素的启发:自由平面、自由立面、水平长窗、底层架空柱、屋顶花园。
Architectural design techniques are inspired by the five major elements of international architect Le Corbusier: free planes, free elevations, horizontal windows, overhead columns, roof gardens.
▼轴测图,axon ?ATDESIGN

解放建筑 | Liberating the building
Different from the previous rules of architectural design, the facade is released, and the space is made into multiple possibilities through the interpolation of masses, such as trees growing freely in the forest. Horizontal glass windows are opened in the building block, and the scenery outside the window can be seen from all corners, and dialogue with nature is maximized.
▼一层水平玻璃窗,horizontal glass windows of the ground floor

▼穿插的体块, the stacked masses

屋顶花园 | Roof garden
On each part of the roof of the building, plants grow naturally and the colors escape the frame. It is full of vitality and agility against the pure white exterior wall. From time to time, it corresponds to the shadow of the trees reflected on the wall, showing a unique, dynamic Combined natural scene.
▼白墙树影,shadow of the trees on the white wall

The sunken seating area in the hall is flush with the horizontal line of the swimming pool. Guests can chat with the people in the swimming pool while tasting wine. At this moment, the boundary of the space is eliminated and time is slowed down. Only the current delightful Joy.
▼下沉卡坐,the sunken seating area

▼细部,detailed view

The courtyard is surrounded by the water system. The building is like floating in the water. From the swimming pool to the Tingbu walkway and the continuously flowing waterfall in the wall, the circulation and circulation between each other. The designer hopes that the building can grow infinitely in the water and give life and nature strength.
▼卡座外的泳池,swimming pool outside the hall

让建筑悬浮 | Making the architect flow
Step into the interior, sink the public space on the ground floor, lift the ground floor, and support the pillars to free the wall. Like a tree trunk, the space becomes transparent and spacious instantly. The glass design with large windows around it will The scenery is introduced into the room, and the scenery is full of natural colors.
▼一层公共空间,public space on the ground floor

The bar is placed in the center of the public space, so the space is in the shape of a circle, and the movement lines are cleverly planned so that people can freely move through it. The shape of the top is made obliquely, and the honeycomb cutouts inside can not only hide the traces of the lights, but also add a rich natural form to the space.

▼蜂窝状镂空格子内里,the honeycomb cutouts

▼用餐空间,dining area

楼梯间的设计充满着亮点与惊喜,圆形的白色装置抽象了果实下落的轨迹,有着未来主义画家马塞尔 · 杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)《下楼梯的裸女》中的构成感,空间的艺术性与现代性在此得到体现。同时在连通一层至顶层的空间中,将墙面留空并且做了挖空设计,以便作为一个小型的艺术展览空间,传达出民宿趣味生活与热爱艺术的理念。
▼楼梯间俯瞰,stair well

The design of the stairwell is full of highlights and surprises. The circular white installation abstracts the trajectory of the fruit. It has the sense of composition in the futurist painter Marcel Duchamp’s 《Naked Girl Down the Stairs》, and the artistry of space And modernity is reflected here. At the same time, in the space connecting the first floor to the top floor, the wall is left empty and a hollowed out design is designed to serve as a small art exhibition space, conveying the concept of fun life and love of art in the homestay.
▼楼梯和圆形的白色装置,stair and the installation

The opening of the skylight can bring the blue sky and sunlight from the outside into the room at any time. As the light moves, the light and the dark are intertwined. From time to time, it brings people a sense of mystery and surprise.
▼楼梯间窗景,windows in the stairwell


The design of the room is concealed with natural life images, caves, bird nests, unfolded wings and other elements, as if inhabiting the forest at this moment, so far there is a wonderful experience in the space.
▼客房内部,guest room interior

▼细部,detailed view

The overall use of warm white lighting and apricot color match, simple and natural

▼细部,detailed view

The wardrobe is designed with transparent brown glass, which adds color and hazyness to the space

▼细部,detailed view

A tatami chair is placed next to the floor-to-ceiling glass window to enjoy tea and enjoy the view

The bird-wing shaped wall beside the bed divides the functional area of the space and extends the sense of space

▼空间划分,spatial partition

The designer designed the parent-child room into a “white forest”. When the sun shines, all the lights and shadows are displayed. The climbing wall on the wall and the small tent on the ground increase the fun experience for children, which is full of childlike fun.
▼亲子房,parent-child room


In the top room, the walls are painted with artistic paint to simulate the texture of the rocks in the cave, and a geometric skylight is opened to reveal the blue sky and white clouds outdoors, as if you are in the wild and enjoy endless wild fun.
▼顶层房间,top-floor room

▼几何形天窗透出室外的蓝天白云,a geometric skylight is opened to reveal the blue sky

▼涂料模拟了岩石的肌理,the walls are painted with artistic paint to simulate the texture of the rocks in the cave


▼户外平台,outdoor terrace

▼入口立面,entrance facade

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan

▼二层平面图,first floor plan

▼三层平面图,second floor plan

▼四层平面图,thrid floor plan

▼结构细部,structural detail

主案设计:沈墨 、张建勇
品牌设计:韩舒 、木美
完工时间 :2019/12

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