



let index = 0,items = [],flag = true,itemId = 1; const hCw = 1.62; // 图片宽高比 const canvasPre = 1; // 展示的canvas占mask的百分比 const maskCanvas = wx.createCanvasContext('maskCanvas'); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { itemList: [], }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function(options) { items = ; = 0 // ({ // url: '/image; // }); // ({ // url: '/image; // }); wx.getSystemInfo({ success: sysData => { = sysData ({ canvasWidth: .windowWidth * canvasPre, // 如果觉得不清晰的话,可以把所有组件、宽高放大一倍 canvasHeight: .windowWidth * canvasPre * hCw, }) } }) }, addImage(e){ let that = this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 3, //选择照片的数量 sizeType: ['original'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success(res) { const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths let posHeight = 200,posLeft = 200; res.(function(item, index){ let imgData = { url: item, top:index * posHeight, left: ((index+1) % 2 === 0 ? 200 : 0) } (imgData); }) }, complete(){ }, fail(){ wx.hideLoading() } }) }, setDropItem(imgData) { let data = {} wx.getImageInfo({ src: imgDa, success: res => { // 初始化数据 da = 150; //宽度 da =150; //高度 data.image = imgDa; //地址 da = ++itemId; //id da = imgDa; //top定位 da = imgDa; //left定位 //圆心坐标 da = da + da / 2; da = da + da / 2; da = 1; //scale缩放 da = 1; //方向缩放 da = 1; //旋转角度 da = false; //选中状态 con(data) items[i] = data; ({ itemList: items }) } }) }, WraptouchStart: function(e) { for (let i = 0; i < i; i++) { items[i].active = false; if == items[i].id) { index = i; items[index].active = true; } } ({ itemList: items }) items[index].lx = e.touches[0].clientX; items[index].ly = e.touches[0].clientY; con(items[index]) }, WraptouchMove(e) { if (flag) { flag = false; setTimeout(() => { flag = true; }, 100) } // con('WraptouchMove', e) items[index]._lx = e.touches[0].clientX; items[index]._ly = e.touches[0].clientY; items[index].left += items[index]._lx - items[index].lx; items[index].top += items[index]._ly - items[index].ly; items[index].x += items[index]._lx - items[index].lx; items[index].y += items[index]._ly - items[index].ly; items[index].lx = e.touches[0].clientX; items[index].ly = e.touches[0].clientY; con(items) ({ itemList: items }) }, WraptouchEnd() { () }, oTouchStart(e) { //找到点击的那个图片对象,并记录 for (let i = 0; i < i; i++) { items[i].active = false; if == items[i].id) { con('e.curren;, e.curren) index = i; items[index].active = true; } } //获取作为移动前角度的坐标 items[index].tx = e.touches[0].clientX; items[index].ty = e.touches[0].clientY; //移动前的角度 items[index].anglePre = (items[index].x, items[index].y, items[index].tx, items[index].ty) //获取图片半径 items[index].r = (items[index].x, items[index].y, items[index].left, items[index].top); con(items[index]) }, oTouchMove: function(e) { if (flag) { flag = false; setTimeout(() => { flag = true; }, 100) } //记录移动后的位置 items[index]._tx = e.touches[0].clientX; items[index]._ty = e.touches[0].clientY; //移动的点到圆心的距离 items[index].disPtoO = (items[index].x, items[index].y, items[index]._tx, items[index]._ty - 10) items[index].scale = items[index].disPtoO / items[index].r; items[index].oScale = 1 / items[index].scale; //移动后位置的角度 items[index].angleNext = (items[index].x, items[index].y, items[index]._tx, items[index]._ty) //角度差 items[index].new_rotate = items[index].angleNext - items[index].anglePre; //叠加的角度差 items[index].rotate += items[index].new_rotate; items[index].angle = items[index].rotate; //赋值 //用过移动后的坐标赋值为移动前坐标 items[index].tx = e.touches[0].clientX; items[index].ty = e.touches[0].clientY; items[index].anglePre = (items[index].x, items[index].y, items[index].tx, items[index].ty) //赋值setData渲染 ({ itemList: items }) }, getDistancs(cx, cy, pointer_x, pointer_y) { var ox = pointer_x - cx; var oy = pointer_y - cy; return Ma( ox * ox + oy * oy ); }, /* *参数1和2为图片圆心坐标 *参数3和4为手点击的坐标 *返回值为手点击的坐标到圆心的角度 */ countDeg: function(cx, cy, pointer_x, pointer_y) { var ox = pointer_x - cx; var oy = pointer_y - cy; var to = Ma(ox / oy); var angle = Ma(to) / (2 * Ma) * 360; // con("ox.oy:", ox, oy) if (ox < 0 && oy < 0) //相对在左上角,第四象限,js中坐标系是从左上角开始的,这里的象限是正常坐标系 { angle = -angle; } else if (ox <= 0 && oy >= 0) //左下角,3象限 { angle = -(180 - angle) } else if (ox > 0 && oy < 0) //右上角,1象限 { angle = angle; } else if (ox > 0 && oy > 0) //右下角,2象限 { angle = 180 - angle; } return angle; }, deleteItem: function(e) { let newList = []; for (let i = 0; i < i; i++) { if != items[i].id) { newLi(items[i]) } } if > 0) { newList[newLi - 1].active = true; } items = newList; ({ itemList: items }) }, openMask () { if ( == 0) { () } ({ showCanvas: true }) }, synthesis() { // 合成图片 = + 1 con('合成图片') ma(); ma(); //一张白图 可以不画 ma('#fff'); ma(0, 0, .windowWidth, ) ma(); ma(); //画背景 hCw 为 1.62 背景图的高宽比 ma('/image;, 0, 0, , ); /* num为canvas内背景图占canvas的百分比,若全背景num =1 prop值为canvas内背景的宽度与可移动区域的宽度的比,如一致,则prop =1; */ //画组件 const num = 1, prop = 1; i((currentValue, index) => { ma(); ma( * (1 - num) / 2, 0); ma(); ma * prop, curren * prop); //圆心坐标 ma * Ma / 180); ma(- * curren * prop / 2), - * curren * prop / 2)) ma(currentValue.image, 0, 0, curren * curren * prop, curren * curren * prop); ma(); }) ma(false, (e) => { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'maskCanvas', success: res => { con('draw success') con) ({ canvasTemImg: res.tempFilePath }) } }, this) }) }, disappearCanvas() { ({ showCanvas: false }) }, saveImg: function() { wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ filePath: , success: res => { wx.showToast({ title: '保存成功', icon: "success" }) }, fail: res => { con(res) wx.openSetting({ success: settingdata => { con(settingdata) if [';]) { con('获取权限成功,给出再次点击图片保存到相册的提示。') } else { con('获取权限失败,给出不给权限就无法正常使用的提示') } }, fail: error => { con(error) } }) wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '保存失败,请确保相册权限已打开', }) } }) } })/**index.wxss**/ .bg { width: 100%; height: 100vh; } .contentWarp{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; margin: auto; /* background-color: #d1e3f1; */ } .touchWrap{ transform-origin: center; position: absolute; z-index: 100; } .imgWrap { box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; transform-origin: center; float: left; border: 5rpx transparent dashed; } .imgWrap image { float: left; } .touchActive .x { display: block; } .touchActive .o { display: block; } .x { position: absolute; top: -25rpx; left: -25rpx; z-index: 500; display: none; width: 50rpx; height: 50rpx; overflow: hidden; font-weight: bold; color: #d1e3f1; } .o { position: absolute; bottom: -25rpx; right: -25rpx; width: 50rpx; height: 50rpx; text-align: center; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-weight: bold; color: #d1e3f1; } .active { background-color: rgb(78, 114, 151); } .active view { border: none; } .touchActive { /* border: 4rpx #fff dashed; */ z-index: 400; } .fixed { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: auto; } .canvasWrap { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); z-index: 999; text-align: center; } .maskCanvas { position: absolute; left: -200%; top: 0; } .btn { font-size: 30rpx; color: #81b7c4; border: 3rpx solid #81b7c4; background-color: #fff; line-height: 90rpx; width: 50%; margin-top: 20rpx; height: 90rpx; } .btnView view { padding-bottom: 20rpx; } .hand { position: absolute; left: 100rpx; right: 0; margin: auto; z-index: 100; } .getUserInfoBtn { position: initial; border: none; background-color: none; } .getUserInfoBtn::after { border: none; } .btn_view { display: flex; padding: 20rpx; } .btn_view button { width: 300rpx; font-size: 30rpx; color: #81b7c4; border: 3rpx solid #81b7c4; background-color: #fff; line-height: 90rpx; } .resImg { width: 75%; margin-top: 10px; }<view class="container"> <image class="bg" src="/image;></image> <view class='contentWarp'> <!-- *************操作区域************* --> <block wx:for="{{itemList}}" wx:key="{{i}}"> <view class='touchWrap' style='transform: scale({{i}});top:{{i}}px;left:{{i}}px; z-index:{{i}}'> <view class='imgWrap {{i "touchActive":""}}' style="transform: rotate({{i}}deg); border: {{i4*i}}rpx #fff dashed;"> <image src='{{item.image}}' data-id='{{i}}' style='width:{{i}}px;height:{{i}}px;' bindtouchstart='WraptouchStart' bindtouchmove='WraptouchMove' bindtouchend='WraptouchEnd'></image> <image class='x' src='../../image; style='transform: scale({{i}});transform-origin:center;' data-id='{{i}}' bindtap='deleteItem'></image> <image class='o' src='../../image; style='transform: scale({{i}});transform-origin:center;' data-id='{{i}}' bindtouchstart='oTouchStart' bindtouchmove='oTouchMove' bindtouchend='WraptouchEnd'></image> </view> </view> </block> </view> <!-- **************操作区域************ --> <view class="fixed" style="margin-bottom:20px"> <button bindtap="addImage" style="width:45%;heigth:45px;float:left;margin-left:15px">选择照片</button> <button class="custom-button" bindtap="openMask" type="primary" style="width:45%;heigth:45px;margin-top:0">预览照片</button> </view> <view class='canvasWrap' hidden="{{!showCanvas}}"> <image class="resImg" bindlongtap="saveImg" src="{{canvasTemImg}}" mode="widthFix"></image> <view class='btn_view'> <button bindtap='saveImg'>保存到手机</button> <button bindtap='disappearCanvas'>关闭</button> </view> </view> <!-- bug点:一定不要用if hidden 隐藏canvas会导致很多api调用bug --> <canvas class='maskCanvas' canvas-id="maskCanvas" style='width:{{canvasWidth}}px; height:{{canvasHeight}}px;'></canvas> </view>


