Lesson 4 Nettles;;;Alice Munro at Giller Prize ceremony of 2004. ;2. Cultural notes:;Ontario;;4. About the story “ Nettles”;;;II. Outline ;III. Theme;IV. Detailed Study of the Text ;2. Why does the author choose “Nettle” as the story’s title?;;Part 2: ;playpen: 婴儿用围栏;2. mug: n. with handle and usually cylindrical ;;;;6. racket: n. a loud and disturbing noise ;7. sour: v. go sour or spoil adj. having a sharp biting taste;8. damp: adj. slightly wet; ;9. skunk: n.;;;;;;13. stony: covered with or full of stones ;;;16. plow: move in a way resembling that of a plow cutting into or going through the soil ;;;19. take shape: to take on a distinctive form ;20. call out - utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy ;;;;;;;;;26. Filthy adj: extremely dirty; covered with filth ;;;;28. He liked to put ketchup on his bread:;29. boom: v. n. to utter or give forth with a deep, resonant sound; to cause to grow or flourish; boost;e.g.Profit multiply in the boom year.兴旺之年利润增长。The clock began to boom out twelve.时钟开始敲十二点。 We heard a hollow boom of thunder.我们听到低沉的隆隆雷声。;;;;;;;33. A common name.;;;Part 3 ;;;;;;;;;10. keep track of: keep contact withe.g.As a doctor James has to keep track of the latest developments in medicine. 作为一名医生,詹姆斯必须了解医学的最新发展动态。He reads the newspapers to keep track of current events. 他阅读报纸以了解时事.Please ask if you cannot keep track of what I m telling you如果你们听不懂我所讲的话,请提问。;;;;;3) The implied meaning of the sentence is;12. The main idea of paragraphs 20-26:;;;;;;;;;;18. A picture of Italian deli;18. sun porch: an enclosed porch designed as a sunroom;; ;2. The hills were a series of green bumps and some cows.;3. squalid: ;;2) delicacy: subtly skillful handling of a situation ;5. I would have told her lies, anyway, or half lies:
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