the United kingdom has declared roughly 170,000 square miles around ascension island a marine protected area . it ' s one of the largest such area


ascension island lies in the Atlantic ocean,roughly halfway between the coasts of Brazil and Africa(photo 3360 kw est/shuttersts)

Earlier this month,the local ascension government declared the scope of the marine protected area,or MPa,Which forbids commercial


it ' s a big step toward a global goal of protecting 30 percent of the world ' s oceans by 2030 .


green turtles were liberally harvested until 1930,but new rules helped the species rebound,and by 2014,Nesting on ascension has incrrebound

Ascension,one of the most remote populated places in the world,is deceiving ly small,but what can be seen above water is simply the tip op

Assenson Island是世界上人口密度最低的地方之一,面积小得令人迷惑,但在水面上看到的只是一万英尺深的海底火山的顶部,这是一个生物多样性丰富的地区。据《国家地理》称,这个大西洋中部的水下山脊是世界上最长的山脉之一。这个生态系统是乌龟和马林的故乡,也是候鸟的重要繁殖地。

In ascension,the u . k . has its own miniature gal . pagos islands,' David Barnes,a marine ecologist with the British ants

bay. "Its few humans are overshadowed by thousands of land crabs, green turtles, seabirds and surrounding marine life." Barnes contributed to research underpinning the designation of the MPA.


One part of a bigger puzzle


In 2015, a grand plan was hatched to create one of the largest marine reserves in the world focusing on the waters surrounding U.K. overseas territories including Ascension and a string of islands in the Atlantic, the Pitcairn Islands in the Pacific, the British Antarctic Territory and the Overseas Territories of British Indian Ocean Territory. Aptly called the Blue Belt Programme, the goal is to protect 4 million square kilometers of marine environment around the globe.


As part of the Blue Belt plan, the Pitcairn Islands were also given marine protections. (Photo: Claude Huot/Shutterstock)

One of the reasons such huge (and remote) reserves are becoming increasingly feasible is the fact that satellite technology and remote monitoring drastically cuts the cost of enforcement.


"Enforcing and monitoring these marine areas would be cost effective. The Foreign Office is at a crossroads in dealing with overseas territories. It needs to recognise that we must deal with overfishing. We now have the technological ability to do this without boats and it is much cheaper. As it is, these areas are being plundered and are not being monitored at all, even though they contain 94% of all the UK’s biodiversity," Charles Clover, chair of the Blue Foundation, told The Guardian when the idea was gaining steam.


The work is ongoing, but we think Sylvia Earle — one of the first voices calling for such protective action — would be mighty pleased.



