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In recent years, the Republic of China porcelain boutique has been quietly heating up. It is mainly because the Republic of China porcelain itself has high quality, and its artistic expression is not inferior to the former Dynasty. Therefore, many people of insight have quietly put the porcelain of the Republic of China still regarded as groceries quietly into their arms, waiting for the day of "becoming famous in the world".


In the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the shallow crimson porcelain painters in Jingdezhen, in order to show their extraordinary cultural quality and aesthetic taste, transplanted the literati paintings combining poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing, and directly painted poetic paintings on the white porcelain tire with glaze color. Porcelain painting with vivid charm, vivid depiction, delicate color setting, full of a sense of hierarchy. Their paintings may be the paper and silk paintings since the Song and Yuan Dynasties, or the meaning of "Four Kings" and "Yangzhou Eight Strange", or in the style of contemporary Zhao Zhiqian, Virtual Valley, Ren Xiong and other maritime painting schools, and created the first to write poems, dry branches and the author on porcelain painting. This batch of themes are landscape, maid, flowers and birds, bamboo and stone, etc., the method of expression is mainly ink painting or light color freehand brushwork of the literati painting series.

此件清末民国粉彩花鸟罐,宽:约20cm 高:约26.5cm。器身形似西瓜,收口丰肩,器身呈高筒形,假圈足,器形周正,圆润丰满。该粉彩罐瓷质洁白细腻,胎体较厚重,施彩粉润柔和,秀丽雅致。图案寓意吉祥,雅俗共赏,画片精美,纹饰绘工精细,手法极其熟练。罐身绘一鸟鸣唱于花枝之上,寓意吉祥,花开富贵,笔画娴熟细致,色彩保存完好,是不可多得的精品之作。另一面书法,与花鸟图构成了一幅韵味十足的国画,是不可多得的精品之作。

This pink flower and bird pot in the late Qing Dynasty, wide: about 20cm high: about 26.5cm. The body is like a watermelon, the mouth rich shoulder, the body is high cylinder shape, false circle foot, round shape, round and plump. The pink color pot porcelain white and delicate, thick fetal body, the color powder moist and soft, beautiful and elegant. The pattern means auspicious, elegant and vulgar appreciation, exquisite painting, fine decoration, the technique is extremely skilled. The can body painted a bird song singing on the flower branches, meaning auspicious, flowers open rich, skilled and meticulous strokes, color well preserved, is a rare fine work. On the other hand, calligraphy, and flower and bird picture constitute a full charm of traditional Chinese painting, is a rare fine works.


Pink color is also called "soft color", a kind of traditional ceramic glaze color decoration with delicate lines, neat picture, soft color, and realistic image. The so-called glaze color, is on the cooked vegetarian glaze for painting, and then into the kiln by 600 degrees Celsius to 900 degrees of baking, is a kind of glaze color painting by low temperature burning of the painting method. Pink porcelain, also known as soft color porcelain, one of the four traditional famous porcelain of Jingdezhen kiln, is a porcelain variety with chalk as the main decorative technique.


Pink porcelain in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China was very suitable for the taste of the public collectors. It is not difficult to see that this pink flower and bird tank painter in the late Qing Dynasty is a well-made work. Can feel the pink low-key and charming unique charm, very collection value. In recent years, the pink porcelain in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China has become more and more popular with collectors.










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13.5厘米清代粉彩罐子,干货看这篇!乾隆 哥釉青花粉彩开光描金山水花鸟纹将军罐(对)

13.5厘米清代粉彩罐子,干货看这篇!乾隆 哥釉青花粉彩开光描金山水花鸟纹将军罐(对)

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【13.5厘米清代粉彩罐子】专题乾隆 哥釉青花粉彩开光描金山水花鸟纹将军罐(对)

【13.5厘米清代粉彩罐子】专题乾隆 哥釉青花粉彩开光描金山水花鸟纹将军罐(对)

13.5厘米清代粉彩罐子相关介绍,将军缸是汉族陶瓷艺术的珍品,是一种罐头食品。这是以珠子状将军的头盔帽子命名的。 初见明代嘉靖、万历朝,至清代顺治时基本定型,康雍乾三朝最为流行。 此罐展肩提腹,舒展自然,器型高大,使得其造型显得挺拔向...

13.5厘米清代粉彩罐子看这里!品赏冬瓜罐 文/黑王辉

13.5厘米清代粉彩罐子看这里!品赏冬瓜罐 文/黑王辉

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