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2015年6月六级汉朝专题之英语六级翻译题目预测及参考译文 大学英语六级考试翻译猜测





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西部大开发(China's Western Development Policy)是中华人民共和国中央政府的一项政策,目的是“把东部沿海地区的剩余经济发展能力(surplus capacity of economicdevelopment),用以提高西部地区的经济和社会发展水平、巩固国防。” 加速西部地区发展,是缩小地区差距、实现共同富裕的中国特色社会主义的本质要求;是进一步扩大国内需求、保持国民经济持续、快速、健康发展的客观要求;是改善全国生态环境、实现可持续发展的急切要求;也是维护社会稳定、民族团结和边疆安全的迫切要求。


China's Western Development Policy is a policy madeby the Central People's Grovernment of the People'sRepublic of China. It aims at enhancing the economicand social development in the western region andconsolidating the national defense by using surpluscapacity of economic development in the east coast of China. Accelerating development in thewestern region is the essential requirement of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, thegoal of which is to narrow the gap between different regions and to achieve the collectiveprosperity. At the same time, accelerating development in the western region is theobjective requirement of expanding domestic demands and maintaining sustainable, rapidand sound development of our national economy. It is also the urgent request of improvingecological environment nationwide and achieving sustainable development. At last, it is thepressing claim for maintaining social stability, national unity and security in the borderregion.

1.西部大开发是中华人民共和国中央人民政府的一项政策:即“是中国政府制定的一项政策”,此处可处理为定语从句,译为China's Western Development Policy is a policymade by the Central People's Government of thePeople's Republic of China.其中过去分词短语made by...作policy的后置定语。


3.提高...经济和社会发展水平:可译为enhancing the economic and social development。因enhance前面是介词at,故此处用其现在分词形式。

4.缩小地区差距:可译为narrow the gap between different regions。narrow作形容词意为“狭窄的”,作动词则意为“使变窄”,引申为“缩小”。

5.共同富裕:可译为名词短语collective prosperity。

6.扩大国内需求:可译为expanding domestic demands。


中国自20世纪70年代实行改革开放政策以来,经济一直以惊人的速度发展。粮食、肉类、钢等工农业产品的产量一直在显著增长;原子能(atomic energy)、计算机技术、航空航天(aviation and aerospace)技术等方面也已经达到世界先进水平。预计到21世纪中叶,中国将基本实现现代化,达到中等发达国家的水平。目前,中国经济发展水平的地区差异较大,东部沿海地区比较发达,而西部地区相对不那么发达。中国正在进行西部大开发(Western Development Strategy),以缩小各地区的经济发展差异。


Since China implemented the reform and opening-up policy in the 1970s,its economy has keptdeveloping at a remarkably high speed. The outputof the industrial and agricultural products, such asgrain, meat and steel etc., has been growingmarkedly. And the technologies of atomic energy, computer, aviation and aerospace havereached the world advanced level. It is predicted that China will basically realizemodernization and reach the level of the medium-developed countries by the middle of the21st centuiy. Currently, China's economic level varies widely among regions. The areas alongthe east coast in China are fairly developed, while those in the west are comparativelyunderdeveloped. Due to this, China is carrying out the Western Development Strategy so as tonarrow down the economic gaps between different regions.

1.改革开放政策:可译为the reform and opening-up policy。

2.以惊人的速度:可译为at a remarkably high speed。

3.达到世界先进水平:可译为reach the world advanced level。

4.预计:可使用It is predicted that…结构表达。

5.基本实现现代化:可译为basically realize modernization。

6.中等发达国家:其中“中等发达”可译为medium-developed,故该处译为medium-developed country。

7.东部沿海地区:可译为areas along the east coast。

8.以缩小各地区的经济发展差弃:其中“缩小”可用narrow down来表达,故该句可译为so as to narrow down the economic gaps between different regions。其中so as to意为“以便,以使”。




Nowadays, with the development of Internet, moreand more people prefer to shop online. You wouldget the goods you want at your door from theexpressman just by clicking the mouse, which isconvenient and can save both time and e shopping cuts down on the consumers'time of going to the supermarket and avoids thetraffic jam. Due to little pressure on stock, low management cost and business scale withlittle limitation on sites, online shopping offers a good opportunity for young people to start abusiness. Online shopping is attractive and influential to its consumers, companies andmarket, which can achieve an ideal pattern of multi-win effect in the new economy periodundoubtedly.

1.随着网络的发展:可译为with the development ofInternet。


3.省时省力:其中“省力”可用save effort表达,故该处译为save both time and effort。

4.库存压力较小、经营成本低、经营规模不受场地限制:可译为little pressure on stock, low management cost and business scale with little limitation onsites。


随着经济的快速发展和国际地位的提升,中国逐渐成为各国留学生的热门留学目的地。到2020年,中国将力争成为亚洲最大的留学目的国。除了汉语之外,中国艺术、饮食、民俗、中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)等颇具中国特色的专业也深受金发碧眼的洋学生们热捧。同时,中国为进一歩扩大外国留学生规模,不断增加政府奖学金的投入;另一方面,为吸引更多优秀的国际生源,各院校也增设了不少奖学金项目。


With the rapid economic development and the promotion of international status, China has gradually become a popular destination country for overseas students. China strives to be the hottest destination country for overseas study in Asia by the year 2020. Besides the Chinese language, the overseas students with blond hair and blue eyes are also interested in the majors with Chinese characteristics like Chinese art, food, folklore, traditional Chinese medicine and so on. Meanwhile, to expand the scale of overseas students, Chinese government constantly invests more to offer scholarships on the other hand, to attract more excellent overseas students, universities also add many scholarship programs.


2.力争成为亚洲最大的留学目的国:其中“力争”可用strive to表达;“最大的”即 “最热门的”,可译为 hottest。

3.金发碧眼的洋学生们:其中“金发碧眼”可译为blond hair and blue eyes; “洋学生”可译为overseas students,文中“外国留学生”、“国际生源”均可用该词组表达。

4.扩大规模:可译为expand the scale of或increase the number of。

5.不断增加政府奖学金的投入:可译为Chinese government invests more to offer scholarships。

6.增设了不少奖学金项目:可译为add many scholarship programs。




Chinese Moutai, Scotch whiskey and French brandyare known as “the world's three famous wine”. Itoriginated in the Han Dynasty which was over 2,000years from now. In 1915 Panama World Exposition,Moutai was awarded Gold Medal and it has becomefamous worldwide ever since. Besides meeting the domestic demands, Moutai is also exportedto many countries in the world. Moutai is famous for the features like being clear andtransparent in color, being smooth, fresh and cool in taste and its long-lasting advantage of the unique climate, excellent water quality and suitable soil in MaotaiTown, people brew Moutai wine by using distinctive brewing techniques and a series ofcomplicated procedures. Now, Moutai is called the national wine in China.

1.称为:即“被称为”,可译为be known as。

2.从此扬名世界:其中“从此”可用ever since表达,故译为has become famous worldwide ever since。

3.远销:即“出口”,可译为be exported to。

4.入口柔绵、清冽甘爽:可译为being smooth,freshand cool in taste。


6.利用茅台镇独特的气候:文中译为taking advantage of the unique climate...

7.优良的水质和适宜的土壤:可译为excellent water quality and suitable soil。

1.《2015年6月六级汉朝专题之英语六级翻译题目预测及参考译文 大学英语六级考试翻译猜测》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《2015年6月六级汉朝专题之英语六级翻译题目预测及参考译文 大学英语六级考试翻译猜测》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。








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