
据悉,此次东京奥运会中国体育代表团入场礼仪服装,是由北京服装学院设计团队以“开门红”为主题设计的系列礼仪服装。“开门红”有啥讲究 ?一起来看:
It took two years to complete the design work for the Chinese Olympic delegation's entry uniform. After several rounds of selections and evaluations, final uniform designs with the theme of "making a good start" were officially confirmed in March last year for the Chinese Olympic delegation participating in the Tokyo Olympics.中国奥运代表团入场的礼仪服设计工作历时两年完成。经过多轮选拔和评审,2020年3月,东京奥运会中国奥运代表团的礼服正式确定为以“开门红”为主题的最终设计。

[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]
After designing uniforms for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and Paralympics, the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology has since taken on the task of costume design for a number of major international sporting events, creating uniforms for athletes that confidently express the national identity and image of China.在为2008年北京奥运会和残奥会设计礼服之后,北京服装学院此后承担了多个重大国际体育赛事的服装设计任务,为运动员打造了自信展现民族身份和形象的礼服。
Since the appearance of the athletes is a focus of the opening ceremony, an eye-catching color like red is a top choice, especially since it is the primary shade in China's national flag and also symbolizes energy, passion and joy in traditional Chinese culture.由于运动员的出场是开幕式的一个重头戏,像红色这样引人注目的颜色是首选,尤其红色还是中国国旗的主要色调,也是中国传统文化中能量、激情和欢乐的象征。

White -- which represents brightness, purity and divinity -- plays a buffering role in the costume design. The combination of red and white at the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Olympics makes an auspicious statement echoing the theme of the design: "making a good start".白色——代表光明、纯洁和神圣——在服装设计中起着缓冲作用。在奥运会开幕式上,红白两色的组合构成了一种吉祥的寓意,与设计主题“开好头”相呼应。
Color along with graphics can convey the visual characteristics of a country and express a more accurate national image. The hem of the white dress for female athletes features China's national flower, the peony, and the source for the pattern was drawn from a Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) peony bowl, which is representative of traditional Chinese aesthetics.色彩和图形可以传达一个国家的视觉特征,更准确地表达国家形象。女运动员白裙的下摆以中国国花牡丹为装饰,图案来源于代表中国传统美学的明代(1368-1644)牡丹碗。
The design of the men's shirts is inspired by the five-star graphic pattern of China's national flag. It reflects the spirit of the Chinese Olympic team to fight together for national honor.男式衬衫的设计灵感来自中国国旗的五星图案。它体现了中国奥运代表团为国家荣誉而奋斗的精神。

Professor He Yang, one of the designers behind the uniform, said that one of the considerations during the design process was that the uniform should display the traditional Chinese cultural character in an intelligible and identifiable way. "We need to strike a balance between cultural representation, etiquette and the spirit of modern Chinese sportsmen," said He.此次礼服设计团队成员贺阳教授说,“设计过程中需要考虑一个因素,制服应该以一种易于理解和识别的方式展示中国传统文化特征。我们需要在文化表述、礼仪和现代中国运动员精神之间取得平衡。”