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【科比名言】科比经典励志语录中英对照翻译 你知道他是什么时候说的这些话吗? 第三部分

39.“hi,I ' m Kobe Bryant . and I have decided to take my talent to,uh.I have decided to skip college and take my talent to the


然后我决定把我的天赋带到... 我决定跳过大学,把我的天赋带到NBA。

40. “On Grinnell’s Jack Taylor scoring 138 points in one game: “Would people be celebrating me if I scored 138 points? You know how it is; some people would, some people wouldn’t. They can all kiss my a– as I’m sure he feels the same way. If you score 138 points, you kind of have a license to tell people to f— off.” 


41. “All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I’ve done millions of times! The frustration is unbearable. The anger is rage. Why the hell did this happen?!? Makes no damn sense. Now I’m supposed to come back from this and be the same player or better at 35?!? How in the world am I supposed to do that?? I have NO CLUE. Do I have the consistent will to overcome this thing? Maybe I should break out the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that was. Maybe this is how my book ends. Maybe Father Time has defeated me…Then again maybe not!” 

因为那一步我重复了百万次的动作,我所有的训练和牺牲便都付诸东流了!这种苦闷太沉重了。愤怒也很猛烈。为什么这会发生?这是什么鬼情况?所以,我现在需要复健,然后在35岁的年纪回归到之前甚至是更好的我?我究竟要怎样才能做到?我没有任何头绪。我有没有足够的意志让我度过这难关?我是不是该拿出来我的轮椅然后开始怀念过去?也许这本书就是这样结尾的。也许时间老人击败了我... 也或许没有!

42. “I don’t f— with bees, man. Other than that, I’m not afraid of nothing.” 


43. “It’s an intentional pass to oneself, so it’s an assist. That way people can’t say all I do is shoot.” 


44. “What people see on court is another side of me; it’s not me.” 


45. “Are you willing to push the right buttons even if it means being perceived as the villain? … I’d rather be perceived as a winner than a good teammate. I wish they both went hand in hand all the time but that’s just not reality. … I have nothing in common with lazy people who blame others for their lack of success.” 


46. “One thing you gotta know about me is I have absolutely no filter. I have no problem saying what the hell I think of someone.”  


47. “My brain . . . it cannot process failure. It will not process failure. Because if I sit there and have to face myself and tell myself, ‘You’re a failure’ . . . I think that’s almost worse than death.” 


48. “I remember feeling the silence. I remember feeling the fear. I’m like, ‘This could be a wrap.’ And that’s what the silence was. It was like, ‘This could really be a wrap for you.’” 


49. “I had to organize things. So I created the ‘Black Mamba’. So Kobe has to deal with these issues, all the personal challenges. The Black Mamba steps on the court and does what he does. I’m destroying everybody that steps on the court.” 


51. “If you’re afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail.” 


52. “I’m more than comfortable just sitting back and scoring 21, 22 points or whatever and getting 10, 11 assists whatever the case might be. More than comfortable with that. It’s just a matter of the pieces that you have around you and what you can do to elevate everybody else.”


53. “Take it all in. Sit back and watch and listen and hear all the hate that’s being thrown at us and remember every person that’s kicking you when you’re down, because next year it ain’t gonna be this way. Appreciate it now. Let it sit in now, because revenge is sweet and it’s quick.” 


55. “The people who truly know me know what I’m like. There have been people who try to say things that aren’t fair, and I check them. And then they don’t like me because I checked them.” 


56. “Everyone looks at your watch and it represents who you are, your values and your personal style.” 


57. “The Black Mamba collection of watches is me: It is my alter ego, so to speak. As I mentioned before, it is sharp, cutting edge and sleek which are characteristics I try to apply when I’m out there on the basketball court.” 



1.《【科比名言】科比经典励志语录中英对照翻译 你知道他是什么时候说的这些话吗? 第三部分》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《【科比名言】科比经典励志语录中英对照翻译 你知道他是什么时候说的这些话吗? 第三部分》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。



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【科比名言】科比经典励志语录中英对照翻译 你知道他是什么时候说的这些话吗? 第二部分

【科比名言】科比经典励志语录中英对照翻译 你知道他是什么时候说的这些话吗? 第二部分

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【科比名言】科比经典励志语录中英对照翻译 你知道他是什么时候说的这些话吗? 第一部分

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