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poolmate是什么意思?总结很全面速看!The weirdest, wildest pool inflatables on Taobao 创意游泳圈,玩水欢乐多

夏日炎热,汗出了一层又一层,泳池正召唤着你,但在水中泡着也挺无聊的。 达到当天最大量API KEY 超过次数限制那就带上一个游泳圈吧!现在游泳圈早已不是旱鸭子和小朋友的专利,千奇百怪的游泳圈总能满足大朋友的各种需求,躺着、坐着、趴着……一个泳圈,就是一段迷你海边假日。

Those of you who are content with a lilo, look away now.

Pools are fun. Lazing around getting sunburnt is fun. Lazing around in a pool getting sunburnt on a magnificently tacky floatie while kids point, and those with better taste stare and look confused, is probably the definition of fun, and that's precisely why we've compiled this list of the most bonkers inflatables we could find on Taobao.

Blow them up, make them your summertime companion and prepare to buy a new one when you inevitably burst it by doing a cannonball onto its clammy PVC surface just that little bit too enthusiastically. We'll see you poolside, mentalists.


These cutesy treats (306 yuan) won't stop you fitting into your swimsuit and come in a variety of sugar-sweet shades, so you can quadruple the annoyance of everyone in your vicinity by doling them out to your mates and bobbing around as a fly flotilla. They're definitely the most comfortable-looking option on this list, so stop here if your ass likes being supported by a simple circle of sweaty plastic.


It's so Instagram it makes us want to hurl, but those of you who like to coordinate your kitschy pool floats with your outfit should get a kick out of this majestic, oversized beast. You can pick one up for 306 yuan.


It might not help you score with Natalie Portman, but this black swan is still perfectly adequate when it comes to facilitating semi-aquatic bobbing and beer drinking. It's 380 yuan, and because of its heat-absorbing colour it's likely to soak up sunrays and overheat like a mofo.


If, like us, you fell beak over weird webbed feet for that scene with all the tarty flamingos from Planet Earth II, then splurge on this slightly vague-expressioned chappie (395 yuan) and feel part of the flock.


What's there really to say about this? It's a massive pretzel (239 yuan), and by the floppy-looking way it's put together, we don't reckon it's got much structural integrity.


Live out your Little Mermaid fantasies with this multi-chambered seashell; it goes for 429 yuan, is one of the more sophisticated options on this list (even when you consider that when dealing with human-sized inflatable toys 'sophisticated' is very, very very relative) and is nice and broad, so should be pretty stable when it comes to taking a mid-afternoon floating nap.


Okay, so it seems to be designed for children in terms of the size of his trio of butt holes, but this whacked-out caterpillar has a dazed and cheerful expression and so would make a great choice for any of the teeny-weeny slackers in your life. It's 530 yuan and comes sporting some rather snazzy orange feet.

Poo emoji

Or, as this listing delightfully puts it, an 'Inflatable poo poo float' (586 yuan). Just don't look this mega-poo straight in the eye – they definitely know something we don't (hence the smirk).


Because acid house just won't die (151 yuan).

Source: TimeOutBeijing

Editor: Annie

1.《poolmate是什么意思?总结很全面速看!The weirdest, wildest pool inflatables on Taobao 创意游泳圈,玩水欢乐多》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《poolmate是什么意思?总结很全面速看!The weirdest, wildest pool inflatables on Taobao 创意游泳圈,玩水欢乐多》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。








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