1.up in the air:暂挂
2.摆脱out of the woods:困境
3.not all there: IQ换行/愚蠢
4.超the moon :欣喜若狂
5.whip into shape:再次奋发/重组
7.Cut the mustard:预期/目标实现
8.hit a brick wall:无助/陷入绝境
9.pinch me moment:惊人/惊人
10.Eureka moment:恍然大悟
11.pack a punch:强调效果/扩大影响
13.shop till you drop:疯狂购物/大成本
14.back on track:回到正轨
15.the cherry on top:锦上添花/精致化
16.blow away the cobwebs:打起精神
17.bite the bullet:克服了困难/咬牙坚持
18.second to none:最佳/无与伦比的最佳
19.take the cake:无添加右/无
20.asleep at the wheel:玩忽职守/玩忽职守
21.go offat/on:雷霆
22.leave no stone unturned:竭尽全力
23.spare no efforts:不遗馀力
24.to live the high life:生活奢侈/纸醉金迷
25.to tie the knot:郑一辈子/永结同心
26.run of the mill:平凡且平凡
27.hot on the heels of:紧随其后
28.bend the knee:夏风/低头臣服
29.off the plan:未来规划/计划中
30.at the mercyof:左右/临在
31.pull the strings:幕后操作/窗帘清洁
32.a stab in the back:背叛
33.to make waves:惹麻烦
34.shoot oneselfin the foot:自我毁灭
35.展示flex one's muscles:实力
36.以judge a book by its cover:外貌评价人
有37.hold all the aces:胜算
38.hit the ground running:第一次战斗胜利/旗帜胜利
39.born to the purple:出身的赫赫赫/宦官家族
40.shot to pay :一响就让人吃惊/一夜成名
41.dead heat:围棋相对/中/旗赢
42.get blood from a stone:软木口语/徒劳
44.Bob's your uncle:十之八九/指尖
45.Nicole-and-dime :鸡毛蒜皮/斤斤计较
46.go through the roof:价格暴涨/愤怒
47.fly off the handle:勃然大怒
48.a punch to the gut:致命打击/灭绝灾害
49.sitting duck:坐以待毙
50.on your mettle:竭尽全力
51.sixways from Sunday:想尽一切办法
52.on cloudnine:欣喜若狂
53.to flip out:吓得暴跳如雷
54.let the cat out of the bag:泄漏
55.get it together:改革/振作起来
56.a realitycheck:大梦从睡梦中醒来
57.rose-tinted glasses:盲目/过分乐观
58.grey eminence:背后操作/背后指示
59.leap in the dark:绝望/绝望
60.make an example of:杀蜂袋/鸡和榜样
61.be on last legs:气体耗尽/耗尽
62.smoke and mirrors:云山雾罩
63.a red herring:焦点切换/隐藏视线
64 64.showboating:大众的宠爱/炫耀技巧
65.know it backwards:很熟悉
66.saved by the bell:死里逃生/九死一生
67.an uphill task:艰难的任务/艰难的旅程
68.to face down:从容面对
69.stan/walk tall:自信满分/犹豫摸摸
70.off the beaten track:荒地荒岛/不毛之地
71.jump through hoops:绞尽脑汁
72.nutty as a fruitcake:疯狂/怪诞
73.Kiss Some One ' s Ring :谄媚/奉承
74.stink to high heaven:卑鄙下流/无耻
75.to go rogue:如你所愿/任性/自行其是
76.chase the bottomline:雇佣兵
77.drive away the blues:消除烦恼/消除忧虑
78.take the heat off:缓解压力/缓解心情
79.尽情享受let your hair down:
80.to grapple with:面临困难的处境
82.putone's stamp on something :产生了巨大的影响
83.one ' s heart sinks into his shoes :万念俱灰
84.rub salt into the wounds:雪上/落石
85.the final nail in the coffin :负担过重/难以继承
86.be set in one's ways:固定不变/思想僵化
87.come to terms with:认识情况,面对现实
88.from hero tozero:失败名/信誉下降
89.to cutand run:滑的大吉
90.on the fence:模棱两可
91.to take a swipeat:强烈谴责/激烈批评
92.to feel the crunch:口袋害羞
93.to buckle under:完全崩溃/完全崩溃
94.to knuckle under:低头/唯一的约定
95.按照Keep one's nose clean:规则保护自己。
96. the gloves are off:图穷见/你死我活
97.to take a stab at:尝试/猜测/估计/估算
98.on the nose:精确无误/恰到好处
99.out of touch:脱离现实/不切实际
100.without a hitch:一帆风顺/手到擒来
101. to take to one's heels:溜之大吉/脚底抹油
102. to ride out the storm:逃出生天/全身而退
103.to go bellyup:彻底破产/一败涂地
104.down the drain:付诸东流/前功尽弃
105.off to a runningstart:拔得头筹/占得先机
106.off and running:顺风顺水/风生水起
107.squash the beef:握手言和/冰释前嫌
108. to miss the boat/bus:追悔莫及/错失良机
109. to kickin the quts:严厉惩戒/迎头痛击
110.to go for thejugular:直击要害/一击毙命
111.to land a killer blow:大获全胜/致命一击
112.be out for blood:怒不可遏/穷凶极恶
113.to walk a fineline:不偏不倚/谨小慎微
114.in the thick ofit:应接不暇/疲于奔命
115.a race againsttime:争分夺秒/只争朝夕
116.rub shoulderswith:往来密切/称兄道弟
117.hold all the cards:只手遮天/大权在握
118.bread and water:粗茶淡饭/维持温饱
119.a feast for the eyes:美轮美奂/美不胜收
121. out ofa clear bluesky:突如其来/措手不及
122.a tall order:谈何容易/绝非易事/艰巨任务
123.bend over backwards:想方设法/费尽心力
124.go to anylength:想尽办法/不择手段
125.under the thumb of:仰人鼻息/寄人篱下
126.take it on the chin:坦然面对/默默承受
127.dance to someones tune:言听计从
128.to stop at nothing:不顾一切/不择手段
129.put the boot in sb:落井下石/趁人之危
130.playto one's strengths:驾轻就熟/游刃有余
131.to splithairs:求全责备/吹毛求疵
132.in lockstep with:齐心协力/同心同德
133.to hit the spot:心满意足/正中下怀
134.the meat ofit:关键环节/本质内容
135.to defy belief:难以置信/匪夷所思
136. to rake sb over the coals:严厉斥责
137.to take it all in:充分了解/尽情欣赏
138.stretched too thin:疲于奔命/焦头烂额
139.beat one's chest:虚张声势厉内荏
140.to cut both ways:喜忧参半/各有利弊
141.to bottom out:触底反弹/否极泰来
142.flyin the face of:公然违背/公开挑衅
143.a blunt instrument:霹雳手段/极端措施
144. show one's true colors:袒露心声
145.by the book:遵纪守法/循规蹈矩
146.to fall through:一事无成/一败涂地
147.down and out:穷困潦倒/朝不保夕
148.smoking gun:确凿证据/铁证如山
149.pull the pin:退隐江湖/金盆洗手
150.take a heavytoll on:严重损害/严重破坏
151.leave sbin the dust:遥遥领先/一骑绝尘
152. to sweep to victory:大获全胜/横扫千军
153.rough around the edges:未经修饰/缺乏历练
154.to throw a bone to:笼络人心/小恩小惠
155.put ones mind to:集中精力/认真应对
156.to go to town on:大张旗鼓/无所顾忌
157.roll with the punches:兵来将挡/从容应对
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